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4 Simple Ways to Start Your Day with God

Start Your Day with Jesus 

Stop complicating your morning routine!

I get it, if you’re like me and you’re constantly on Pinterest searching for the ‘easiest way to’, or ‘10 ways to learn how to,’ or ‘6 simple ways to,’ then I think we just became BFFs!

I have searched high and low on the best morning routine.  

No matter what you do, how early you get up, how much water you drink or exercises you fit in before sunrise…if it does not start with the Lord then you are underestimating the power that He has to fuel your day.

Delaying the start of your morning is detrimental.  I have been known to hit the snooze button a few times and then rush through my morning routine to then be flustered, frustrated, and unbalanced.  My good friend Wendy told me once that instead of hitting snooze, push back my alarm clock to a more reasonable time and then when it goes off start off in prayer. 

Starting your day off with Jesus is vital.  Before my feet even hit the ground I say a quick prayer to start my day.  It is nothing elaborate or mind blowing but it is the foundation of my day.  I have done my routine a few different ways, and yes your routine will shift over time depending on what is going on in you life, but the basics stay the same.

Pick your routine and stick with it for 90 days!  Discipline is the hardest part of any routine. Can you devote 90 days to trying these four elements? Are you willing to spend the morning with the Lord before the hustle and bustle of your day begins?

Here are my tried and true 4-simple ways to start your day off on the right track with our Heavenly Father.

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In Prayer

As I mentioned, I start off by saying a quick prayer before my feet hit the ground.  However, it doesn’t end there.  Once I’m dressed and have my tea in hand I sit down for a dedicated morning prayer.  The stillness and calm of the morning helps me to focus and really open my heart up to the Lord.  Don’t complicate this prayer! It doesn’t have to be intricate just speak from your heart to your Heavenly Father.

Psalm 143:8 “Let me experience Your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in You. Reveal to me the way I should go because I long for You.”

Read a devotional book

I have used so many different devotional books over the years.  Some I absolutely loved because they were simple morning inspirations and others were more difficult for me as they pushed me to think deeper, be more in tune with where I was spiritually and stretch my walk in the Lord.  Whatever book you choose, stick with it.  Again think of those 90 days of discipline.  I’m linking my favorite Worthy of Grace devotional book here.

With Gratitude

Did you know that when you start your morning in gratitude it has been proven to change your mindset? I started daily gratitude journaling with my children when the pandemic started and I can tell you that when we took the time to show our gratitude to our Lord Jesus for our health, our safety, and His provision that it took off from there.  Hearing and seeing what my older two children were grateful for made my heart explode with love and helped me challenge myself to understand that when we give thanks to the Lord, He will protect and bless us.

Psalm 136:1 “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever.”

Rest in Stillness

Put down your phone! Do not check Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat. Instead, be devoted to getting up, getting ready and starting your day with the Lord. 

Once I have prayed, read my devotional, and journaled I like to sit in stillness. Some mornings this may be only two minutes before one of my children gets up.  Other days it could last for thirty minutes.

During this time when I do get distracted I remind myself to focus back on the Lord.  I don’t care if you get distracted a thousand times…as long as you refocus a thousand and one times you are golden.

This is the most important part of my routine because during this time the Lord speaks to me through the Holy Spirit.  I become more calm and all my anxiety starts to subside.  Use this time in stillness to be fueled by the Lord and to be renewed for your day ahead.  

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that He is God.”

Start Your Mornings with the Lord

As you embark on this new routine remember to give yourself grace.  The devil will try to attack every new habit you try to form in the Lord’s name.  However, remember that even when you feel like you are failing the Lord is right beside you reminding you that you are worthy and chosen in His name.  Don’t give up. Don’t be discouraged. Give it a try and you will see the abundant fruit the Lord will provide in your life.

Are you willing to start your first 90-days with us? Are you nervous? Don’t be, we’ll be right by your side.  Sign up on our email list and let us know how it is going.

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