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Becoming a Woman of Intention

“What defines a woman?”

In today’s society, the definition of “womanhood” is undergoing a profound transformation, challenging biblical perceptions of a woman’s role and purpose. Despite external influences attempting to redefine the essence of being a woman, it is essential for Christian women to ardently uphold, protect, and embody a vision of womanhood that is defined by God, honoring God, and in line with God’s design.

We believe in a God of intentionality. Everything he has created was specifically designed to glorify his name. His intentionality permeates the intricate fabric of creation. We should recognize his deliberate design and purpose for women.

To preserve the God-ordained structure of womanhood, it is essential that we seek to understand it. In his book Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women, Dr. Myles Monroe explained, “The purpose of something determines its nature (or design)” (Monroe, 2018, p. 69). Thus, we must consider the purpose of women as outlined by God. We cannot solely rely on introspection or unquestioningly agree with others; we should follow Monroe’s biblical advice. He said, “To discover the purpose of something, never ask the creation; ask the creator” (Munroe, 2018, p. 34).

God’s Intentional Design

In the Bible, God outlines several specific purposes for women. For instance, the Hebrew word for “woman” in Genesis, ezer, is quite significant. It is used twenty-one times in the Old Testament, with sixteen instances referring to God and translating to “helper.” These references suggest that when God created the “woman,” it was not with a sense of inferiority but instead with intentionality.

Broadly speaking, “God’s intention in creating the woman for the man was for the two to be partners in the many tasks involved in stewarding God’s creation” (Theology of Work Project). The role a woman assumes as she fulfills this purpose, which includes the strength derived from being submissive, is also evident throughout the Scriptures.

In our current culture, the feminist movement is ferocious in its attempt to destroy God’s design. Often masqued under concepts that sound appealing to the female ear, cultural feminism contradicts the perfected plan God created. Owen Strachan, a research professor of theology at Grace Bible Theology Seminary and author of The War on Men: Why Society Hates Them and Why We Need Them, said, “Feminism and wokeness have accomplished nothing less than the destabilization of civilization” (Giatti, 2023). Embracing and honoring the unique role that God has given to women will lead to the flourishing of goodness and beauty in our lives. Author Jonathan Parnell writes, “What makes men men, or women women, is intrinsically connected to the majesty of the God in our design. We each exist as we do to display that glory” (Good: The Joy of Christian Manhood and Womanhood, Strachan, O., and Parnell, J., eds., Desiring God, 2014, p. 4).

Our Intentional Response

How should we honor and embrace God’s deliberate design and purpose for women? 

First, let us intentionally exemplify the true essence of womanhood as defined by God. Our words and actions should align with the unique design and purpose for which we have been called. “As an ezer woman, she knows it takes strength to act in wise ways, so she ‘exercises’ her moral and compassionate muscles” (Theology of Work Project). Proverbs 31 is often cited as a valuable guide for defining the characteristics of a virtuous woman. Proverbs 31:26 says, “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue” (ESV Bible). While there may be moments when we feel pressured to conform to society’s definition of womanhood, we have a distinct calling as believers. Romans 12:2 encourages us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (ESV Bible).

Secondly, let us intentionally communicate God’s plan and design to others courageously. It requires strength and confidence, but with God’s help, we can support and uphold his purpose. Speaking the truth might upset some people, but that should not deter us from conveying God’s will. Our society craves truth and purpose, often seeking it in the wrong places. By living out the truth, our words will carry more weight, leading to deeper conversations. Ephesians 4:15-16 exhorts us, “Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who “is the head, into Christ,from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love” (ESV Bible).

Thirdly, let us intentionally pray for our culture, women, and God’s help. Prayer holds immense power, and despite any efforts to derail God’s plan, we are reminded in Genesis that God’s plans will always prevail. First Thessalonians 5:17 prompts us to “pray without ceasing” (ESV Bible). Hannah beautifully exemplifies the virtues of persistent prayer portrayed in the book of First Samuel. First Samuel 1:12 says, “As she continued praying before the Lord, Eli observed her mouth.Hannah was speaking in her heart” (ESV Bible). Her intentional and ceaseless prayer to God vividly demonstrates the transformative impact of prayer. When we earnestly pray for our society to recognize God’s plan, for women to embrace his plan, and for God to reveal more of his plan to us, we can have confidence that he will answer and act as his Word assures us of his faithfulness.

In the face of challenges to the essence of womanhood, Christian women must stand firm and uphold God’s intended design. Neglecting God’s purpose undermines his authority and sovereignty. Let us reject societal pressure and instead purposefully demonstrate godly womanhood, fearlessly promote the true meaning of womanhood, and faithfully pray for God’s guidance in preserving his design. Let us ensure that God remains at the center of all our words and actions. As Ephesians 2:10 says, “We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared “beforehand, that we should walk in them” (ESV Bible).

Written by:
Rebekah Orlando