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Desperate for Relief From My Unbelief

In the Bible, we often encounter remarkable heroes of faith, individuals who gazed upon seemingly insurmountable odds and yet, with unwavering trust, believed in God's capacity to perform the extraordinary. Their triumphs continue to serve as a wellspring of inspiration for us all. However, there are moments when the tides of doubt swell and engulf us. It's natural to think, "Well, that's great for them, but my mind doesn't function that way. I desperately need God to hear, respond, and provide answers for me—right now." I've experienced those moments myself. The challenge lies in that, even in ministry, we grapple with our frail human nature. We are sinners, susceptible to wandering and wrongdoing, just like anyone else. 

For those in ministry, there can be a unique burden. We often offer guidance, encouraging others to trust in God's plan, day in and day out. But the truth is, we, too, face moments of uncertainty. We wrestle with questions and long for immediate answers as much as anyone else. I’ve understood that when seasons of doubt come, they are usually rooted in the lie that our lives are not significant enough to God. The truth is our Creator is a caring and compassionate God who hears the cries of his children. How do we stand firm like the heroes of the Bible did when our doubt wants to knock us down? Only through understanding and applying the scriptures will we find relief from our unbelief, begin to trust God, and overcome our doubts.

1. When Doubt Arises, We Must Remember God Is in Control 

Our doubts don’t determine God’s sovereignty over our lives. God's control over the earth and our lives remains constant despite our doubts. When life gets rough, and it does for everyone, it's easy to instantly think that God has removed his love and protection from us, and now chaos has consumed us. But when we start believing the false narrative that says God isn’t in control, we begin doubting whether he’s still working in our lives. In those moments, it's essential to remember that God is always at work and moving amongst us, even when we don't understand what He is doing. Instead of blaming, let's lean into trust, for God is crafting a story we may not fully comprehend in those moments of doubt. His love and purpose remain steadfast, even amid uncertainty. 

“It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.” (Ephesians 1:11-12 MSG)

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2. When Doubting Leads Us to a Deepening of Our Faith 

It's impossible to explore the topic of doubt without delving into the profound story of Thomas, one of Christ's dedicated disciples, who has become widely recognized as “Doubting Thomas.” This nickname was bestowed upon him because of his initial skepticism regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thomas required tangible evidence, wanting to see, touch, and feel the wounds in Jesus' hands before he could honestly believe. Can you relate to Thomas' doubts in your journey of faith? Perhaps not in the need to physically see Jesus' face, but maybe you've fervently prayed for a lost family member or friend, only to doubt that God will ever transform their hearts. Or, perhaps, you've endured profound pain from a loved one, leading you to doubt whether life will ever improve. In these moments, we echo Thomas' uncertainty—doubting that God's goodness could surpass the limitations of our physical senses. Yet, it's crucial to recognize that we often veer into doubt when our lives don't align with our preconceived notions of God's plan for us. But in these times of doubt, we can turn to the Bible for guidance and reassurance. The Scriptures remind us that God's ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8), and His plans often transcend our understanding. Embracing Thomas' story teaches us that doubt can be a gateway to deeper faith as long as we remain open to God's transformative work in our lives, even when we cannot see the complete picture.

“A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”  Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” (John 20: 26-27 NIV)

So, when doubt arises in your heart, and it will, remember that God is in control, trust in His sovereignty, and allow your doubts to lead you to a deeper, more unwavering faith. Just as Thomas declared, “My Lord and my God!” When he encountered Christ, may our doubts ultimately lead us to a profound declaration of faith in the One who is always at work, even amid uncertainty.

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