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From Exhaustion to Empowerment: Conquering Spiritual Dryness

Do you feel like you're in a spiritually dry season? As followers of Christ, we usually refer to the different stages in our Christian walk as seasons. For example, we might be undergoing a season of waiting at some points in life, while at other times, we might be experiencing a dry season. But regardless of what season we find ourselves in, there’s hope in God’s Word! 

We’re all familiar with Jesus’ teachings in the gospel accounts and how he usually spoke in parables. Some of his parables included stories about real-life situations between family members. At other times, his stories incorporated agricultural elements like sowing, reaping, planting seeds, and harvesting. Jesus was an amazing teacher because he used images from everyday life to help his audience and us today understand God’s truth. The season of life you’re currently in may feel like a drought - your passion for the things of God has waned, you’re struggling to take joy in your work, and you feel discouraged. But Christ told us that if we abide in him, we will bear much fruit (John 15:5). In other words, Jesus used the image of a vine to remind us that while we may face seasons of dryness, refreshment comes by relying, not on ourselves, but entirely on him. Your strength may fail, but his will not! He will uphold you through it all!

I was good at putting on a front and going through the motions during seasons of dryness. But deep down inside, my heart just wasn't in it. Have you been there too? In those moments, I realized I was overwhelmed with doing “good works” and being productive. After all, doesn’t God want us to be productive? Yes, God does want us to pursue good works that honor him. But this pursuit can cause us to get ahead of him and lose focus. If we’re not careful, we can begin doing too much with the wrong motivations instead of focusing on the “work” God originally intended for us to do and with the right attitude. Looking back on my life, I can see how being so busy serving and being productive that I forgot to take the time to refill my cup with His living water. During those spiritually dry times, I neglected genuine time spent in prayer and Bible reading. My hands were busy with all sorts of activities; all the while, the Lord was calling me to a season of trusting in his timing and resting in his sovereignty. It's not always easy to admit, but sometimes we must pause and step back to reconnect with God.

So if you feel like you're in a spiritually dry season, don't worry! You're not alone. Let's journey together to rediscover our connection with the Lord and refuel our spirit with His living water. Be encouraged; we never have to feel hopeless or discouraged again in a spiritually dry season!

Jeremiah 17:7-8 says, "But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

They will be like a tree…

Jeremiah, known as the weeping prophet, understood anxiety and worry all too well. His work for the Lord, while necessary, was anything but easy. In today's world, where fears abound, we can easily relate to his struggles. However, Jeremiah offered encouragement by reminding the people that true strength comes not from trusting in people or political agendas but from trusting in God. He is the true and reliable source of our hope! To apply the words of Jeremiah, we can also find solace by planting ourselves firmly in the truth of God’s Word amid the tiresome busyness of our lives. 

My suggestion to you would be to establish a daily devotional time to read the Word and open up your heart to God in prayer. Of course, finding time during your day to do this will vary from person to person. Our schedules are different, so for some of us, the best time may be in the morning, while for others, it may be in the evening. For example, a friend of mine, a busy mom of little ones, listens to an audio Bible while showering—the only free time she has! Whatever you decide to do, don’t neglect this important time of communion with God. Remember, just as a tree planted by water draws nutrients and refreshment from the stream through its roots, we will refresh our souls by immersing ourselves in the life-giving waters of God's Word. Pastor Rick Warren once said, "If you want to know God's will, you must read His Word!" The Bible isn’t merely a collection of ancient writings written by people out of touch with life’s problems. They faced the same struggles we do and found encouragement from God’s promises. God's Word is just as alive and powerful as it was then as it is now. Its purpose is to transform our minds and shape our everyday lives. It holds the answers we seek and provides guidance, strength, and reassurance. Jesus Himself declared that those who drink from Him will never thirst again. His Word quenches the deepest longings of our souls, offering fulfillment, peace, and purpose. As we embrace the transformative power of God's Word, it becomes a wellspring within us, flowing through every aspect of our lives. Now that is the answer to spiritual drought!

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It has no worries in a year of drought… 

I grew up in California, where a freshwater lake stands at the city’s center. The lake is not very deep, and between its location in always-sunny-Southern-California, it would recede during the hot summer months. There were even times when they closed the lake because it was drying up too quickly and unsafe. All the plants near the beachfront relied on its water source but would die during these hot summer months when the lake receded. However, the trees along the shoreline would survive because they are nearer to the water! Jeremiah’s imagery of the tree teaches the same point. When our lives are rooted in God’s Word, we no longer need to feel anxious during dry seasons. Instead, we can remain steady and unshakable because our trust is anchored in Christ, the true source of life-giving water. 

So, my friends, let this verse be a beacon of hope in this season of spiritual dryness. Take a moment to reflect on God's faithfulness throughout your journey thus far. Though you may feel disconnected or stagnant, trust that God's presence and provision are constant. Lean on God during this dry season and see it as an opportunity for growth and renewal. Seek God, and be open to His leading. Allow Him to quench your thirst and revive your soul, knowing that this dry season is not the end of your spiritual journey but a stepping stone to a deeper, more vibrant faith.

Dear friends, remember that you’re not alone in this season. God is with you, and He understands your struggles. As you persevere and continue to trust in Him, you will emerge stronger and more resilient from this season, bearing fruit that brings glory to Him.

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