Her Faith Arises

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Have You Ever Felt Absolutely Empty?

Have you ever felt absolutely empty, like you woke up one day with a deep aching in your belly, but no matter what you did, you just couldn’t shake the feeling? Then, as you walked throughout your day, week, or month, you started to wonder, “Why is everything going wrong, and why is the Lord allowing this to happen to me?”

Don’t panic sis, we’ve all been there! When you feel this immense emptiness in your soul that can manifest into feeling physically off or sick, it's like the Holy Spirit sends up red flags to alert us that something needs to change. One of the most common reasons for a spiritually dry season is a lack of quality time spent reading the Word and concentrated prayer with the Lord. Feeling spiritually dry can be extremely frustrating, yet it’s a clear indicator that we must cut out all the distractions and worldly noise and refocus on our time to commune with Jesus.

As we all go through our unique spiritual journeys, we will encounter seasons of dryness and emptiness, but what is so beautiful about these seasons is what God does during them. Here are a few ways to combat a dry season and see the season blossom over time.

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1. Recognize the importance of spending quality time in God’s Word. So many times, we get asked, “How do you manage your faith and not lose hope?” Well, we aren’t going to say we’re perfect at managing it, but we’re disciplined (now) to recognize when we need to open up our Bibles and start reading the word to hear from the Lord.

2. Worship! Yes! Turn on your Spotify, find the Worthy of Grace team, and worship with us! Sing songs of joy, redemption, and rest, sweet sister. When we worship the Lord, the Holy Spirit can move in our hearts and turn the dial from a season of dryness to a season of abundance.

3. Pray and pray anytime, wherever. We don’t have to be conditioned to only pray at meals or when we go to bed. We can pray any time of the day, whether in our cars, on our walks, or riding the elevator at work. We have the Almighty with us, so let’s go to the source of our life and pour out our hearts to him.

Don’t allow Satan, the great deceiver, to convince you that this season of life is because you are unloved or are too far gone. Instead, use this to meet with the Lord and root your life in Him. 

“Jesus stood and cried out, saying, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”—John 7:38-3

Come to the Lord and allow His spirit to flow through you, my friend, so you can feel the abundance He has waiting for you.

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