Her Faith Arises

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If God Is Always With Me, Then Why Do I Feel Lonely?

As I scrolled through social media, my heart instantly dropped to the floor as I saw another girl living out the same prayer I was desperately offering to the Lord, yet my prayer remained unanswered. At that moment, my thoughts veered toward the extreme as paralyzing doubts raged inside me, wondering if God had even heard my cries. If He has noticed, why does this season's loneliness and the ache in my heart hurt so bad?

It's easy for us to feel isolated and insignificant when witnessing the successes of others, especially when it appears that God has us firmly seated in a season of waiting. But this should not cause us to give up. If you find yourself in God’s waiting room, find encouragement in this truth: throughout the Bible, God intentionally sets people apart to accomplish a greater purpose for His kingdom. In this divine pause, He works behind the scenes, sculpting our hearts and preparing us for a purpose beyond our immediate understanding. I know it might be hard to grasp that reality fully, but if we allow that truth time to sink in and let it begin to renew our minds, we can overcome those feelings of loneliness. 

Friend, what if the loneliness you're experiencing is God's invitation away from distraction and into a deeper relationship with him? Remember, the enemy will seek to deceive you into believing you're missing out in life because he knows that what God offers is far more valuable and precious than anything the world can give. Trust that Christ will meet you in those quiet moments, and keep leaning on him for strength. And while you're waiting, I hope to fill in the gaps and be that godly friend who offers words of encouragement, hoping they’ll draw you back to the heart of our Father. 

So, how do we cope when the lonely seasons of life linger longer than we would like? Here are two reminders that can carry us through those seasons. 

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1. Longing for Godly Community

In the search for a new church home, my husband and I found ourselves in a waiting season, trusting the Lord’s timing and direction. Still, our deep ache for a new church had made the wait feel lonely. While we journey through this transition, leaning on each other amid the lessons learned and the sense of loss from leaving our previous church, our hearts are hungry for more. We crave discipleship, the joy of breaking bread together (a.k.a. hosting and attending dinner gatherings), genuine fellowship, and a place where we truly belong—a body of believers where we can dive into Bible studies, gather for prayer nights, and soak in the blessings that come from being part of a loving community.

The Bible speaks volumes about the importance of community for believers. The author of the book of Hebrews addresses this very issue when he wrote, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV) This verse not only reminds us of the importance of coming together as God’s family to encourage one another but to show the intimate connection between our Christian identity and the spiritual welfare of our fellow brothers and sisters. We are a spiritual house, and we need each other! That’s how God designed it.

So, in this season of waiting and longing for godly friendships, we rest in the truth that God hears our heart's desires for a local church community. It's not just a desire we have; it's a God-given need for connection and shared faith. As we navigate this journey, we trust that God is leading us to a place where we can grow, serve, and experience the beauty of belonging to a community of believers. So, if you, too, are in a similar season, it’s vital to realize that your present feelings of loneliness won’t last. God has a place for you. Trust in his timing and direction. 

2. Loneliness Doesn’t Last 

Here's the truth, sister: the lonely seasons in our lives don't stick around forever, and that truth is both heartening and heartbreaking. While the world takes pride in hustling away, I hope you take the time to heal and develop a richer relationship with Christ.

In today’s busy culture, it's easy to overlook the profound impact a season of loneliness can have on our spiritual growth. Consider the wisdom of Ecclesiastes, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build..." (Eccl. 3:1-4NIV).

You may feel lonely, but I want you to know that the Holy Spirit is doing an important work in your heart, and I hope you lean in and allow him to be your strength, validation, and source of love. The season you’re currently facing isn’t just a moment of loneliness—it's one that, with God's grace, can become a transformative chapter in your life. Hold on to the assurance that, as the Bible tells us, "this too shall pass" (2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NIV), and as it does, it will leave behind a heart strengthened, validated, and overflowing with the love that comes from walking hand in hand with the Creator through every season.

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