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Secrets to Peace While Waiting on God: 3 Simple Truths to Practice!

Stand still and see the Lord’s deliverance! This thought emerged victorious amidst the anxious and worrisome concerns that flooded my mind. Deep within my heart, I knew I had discerned the gentle voice of God reassuring me. As some of you may know, my precious son has bravely endured painful ear infections these past six months. If things could not be any worse, my husband and I find ourselves in a season of waiting, yearning for the day our son will undergo the procedure for his much-needed ear tubes. We have fervently prayed, hoping to get an earlier appointment with the doctor as we navigate yet another round of ear infection flare-ups. I must say that enduring suffering, especially when it involves someone you love, is the hardest part of waiting. 

For many of us, most of our daily “sufferings” can be categorized into life interruptions, such as when we feel frustrated by unexpected problems or exhausted trying to resolve a particularly persistent hardship, like my son’s constant ear infections. As draining as these interruptions may be for many of us, we’ve not been brought to the point of death (even though these tough seasons almost feel like they will kill us, lol)!! However, as Christians, we sometimes go through seasons of pain, and God may keep us there to grow our character. In those moments, a powerful truth pierces through the fog: God prioritizes our character over our comfort! The challenges brought by our unpleasant circumstances may sting and even feel debilitating, but as followers of Christ, how do we maintain our faith and stay afloat amidst the stormy seasons of waiting? I have recently implemented three simple practices into my daily walk with the Lord that helps me keep going when the waiting wants to wear me out. 

Secret #1: Remembering God's Faithfulness 

Imagine a scenario where you and I are sitting together, sipping coffee, or enjoying queso. I then ask you this heartfelt question: “Can you recount the times in your life when you experienced the unwavering faithfulness of God?” I’m sure many of you would tell me about times when God had powerfully answered your prayers, did the impossible, healed a hurt, or restored a relationship. There's something incredibly uplifting about hearing testimonies of God’s faithful provision, care, and boundless love toward His people. Each shared experience serves as a powerful reminder that if He has done it before, He will undoubtedly do it again – for you, me, and all who put their hope in Him. Recalling God's faithfulness strengthens our faith and serves as a beacon of hope for those around us. As we share these testimonies, we become instruments of encouragement, urging others to anchor their trust in the One who never fails. 

Let’s be honest; many of us are forgetful. We forget our keys on the counter; we fail to text a friend back or forget to pick something up from the store on our way home from work. More importantly, we sometimes forget the ways that God has provided for us and cared for us in the past because, hello, God, this problem is way bigger than before, and I can’t see a way out of this one, not this time. Jesus’ disciples saw his miracles and heard his teachings, yet would, in the same breath, forget and fail to understand the significance behind the wonderful things Jesus did and taught (Mark 6:51-52). God knows how quickly we forget things. So, thankfully, Jesus has not left us without a tangible way to remember him. When he broke the bread and poured the wine at the last supper, he commanded his disciples to perform this ceremony from then on out to remember him. This ceremony, which many know as the Eucharist/Communion/Lord’s Supper, reminds us to recall the redemptive power of Jesus' sacrifice for all who believe. Jesus gave his life so we may receive forgiveness and eternal life.  

So, let us cherish the moments of God's faithfulness in our lives, savoring them like the warmth of a coffee cup or the delightful taste of queso, and let us, in turn, inspire and uplift those we encounter on our journey of faith.

"And he [Jesus] took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” Luke: 22:19

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Secret #2: Lamenting and Leaning on God 

“My soul is in deep anguish. How long, Lord, how long?” Psalm 6:3

The practice of remembering isn’t easy. When we choose to remember our past, it may bring to mind the painful times in our lives. We might recall times when expectations were unmet, our hopes for a specific outcome were unrealized, or the efforts we feel that we’ve wasted trying to achieve our dreams. It's undeniably painful to recall these moments of disappointment in our past, for it requires us to surrender our dreams to God and trust Him that His plan will surpass what we had initially envisioned for ourselves. However, it’s harmful to our mental health to bury these emotions in our hearts, hoping they will never resurface again. Suppressed feelings, especially painful ones, will eventually resurface in our lives, usually in destructive ways. Instead, we must bravely bring our feelings before the Lord, for it is in this act that we let go of trying to control our lives and where our emotions find solace in God’s peaceful presence.  

Reflecting on the verse above, penned by King David, we discover how relatable he is to us; his cries resonate so profoundly for believers today. He never held back his messy emotions; instead, he poured them out before the Lord. King David's example serves as a poignant reminder that we, too, can turn to lament – expressing our grief, doubts, and struggles – as a means of drawing closer to God in times of waiting. If you have never lamented before God, I encourage you to express yourself honestly to your Heavenly Father. Find a quiet spot to journal your thoughts, take some time to accurately assess where you are in life, and express to the Lord those things causing you doubt and frustration. God loves you and desires that you pour out your heart and invite His presence to embrace you. And then, with your heart open, immerse yourself in His Word – there, you will uncover the treasures of wisdom, comfort, and divine purpose waiting to be revealed. Embrace this enriching journey of lamenting and delving into God's Word because it leads us toward healing, growth, and a deeper connection with our Heavenly Father.

Secret #3: Waiting in Hope

I am currently in a season of uncertainty, and I must admit that despair has been a constant companion. It's as if my dreams have vanished, leaving me adrift and searching for something to hold onto. When asked by others about what I'm looking forward to during this challenging time in my life, I find myself drawing a blank, simply going through the motions of ordinary days. In these challenging times, the book of Psalms has been my refuge. King David's heartfelt journey resonates deeply with my own struggles. Like him, I pour out my heart to God, sharing my gut-wrenching lamentations before the Lord. But amid my pain, I am encouraged by David's ability to find moments of rejoicing as well. His trust in God's goodness was unwavering even when circumstances didn't change immediately.

David's ability to cry out in anguish while still finding reasons to praise God moves my heart. To glorify God amidst great suffering reveals a profound perspective of his situation and deep trust in the Almighty, and I, too, seek to grasp this truth in my waiting. Though uncertainty surrounds me, I anchor my faith in knowing the unshakeability of God's sovereignty, love, and goodness. In reverent awe, I believe He works all things together for good, even when I cannot see the complete picture.

So, in this season of waiting, I strive to follow David's example and maintain a heart of gratitude and joy amidst the mundane. I rest assured that God's plans are unfolding, and His faithfulness remains unwavering. With each passing day, I understand more that Christ is my steady anchor amid uncertainty, shifting my perspective to an eternal hope that can only be found in him. 

"Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint; heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony. My soul is in deep anguish. How long, Lord, how long? Turn, Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love."  Psalm 6: 1-4

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