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Stop Searching for Wordly Significance and Start Standing in Your Identity in Christ 

Before I knew the importance of rooting my identity in Christ, I had based my identity on my social status. Whether searching for personal significance in a relationship, a successful career, or a tight-knit community, I sought fulfillment in these things for SO LONG! I mean longer than I would like to admit. But don't get me wrong. A thriving relationship, career, and a close community of friends are important. But when pursuing these things becomes the most important, we fall into the trap of using them to define our worth. Have you ever found yourself striving to do more, be more, and have more, only to find yourself emotionally exhausted? I was, too, until I discovered that my true identity and worth lie entirely in Christ, not in pursuing worldly forms of status to give me significance. 

I have a confession to make… I have a guilty fascination with watching "true crime" shows during my free time. I'm always intrigued by how detectives undergo their investigation to locate both the victim and the murderer. But, of course, the first step in solving a case is uncovering the victim's identity. Discovering their personal information provides detectives with the essential groundwork for understanding the victim's occupation, relatives, and where they lived, all of which are the basis of their identity! With that said, look with me, if you will, at 1 Peter 2:9-10: 

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." 

Peter lays out a few simple but profound truths about our identity in Christ. He uses images from the Old Testament that were initially applied to Israel and applies them to Christians as God’s people. In other words, the status and honor once granted to Israel now designate the church. What a wonderful truth! As beneficiaries of Israel, we are now a "chosen people;" we belong to God as his daughters because he has elected us. Second, as a "royal priesthood," we are now called to mediate God's blessing to all people by declaring the good news about Christ. Third, we are a "holy nation," a people set apart for Jesus, enjoying his abiding presence and favor. Fourth, we are "God's special possession." God redeemed Israel to praise him, and we, as his special people, are called to the same work, to praise his marvelous works! 

Remember, God's highest goal in everything he accomplishes is to bring him glory (Isa. 43:7). Before we came to faith, we were in the darkness of sin. Therefore, we did not deserve inclusion into God's family, but because of his mercy in Christ, we can now rejoice at our new status as his beloved daughters. Just as today's detectives discover a person's identity by fingerprinting one of their five fingers, if we understand the status and honor conferred on us by God, we will know how to live out our new identity in Christ. The chains of worldly status will no longer bind us. Instead, we will find our worth in God and discover his purpose for our lives. So, let's start walking in the freedom of our new identity in Christ. Here are three points to help you in your walk.

First, What Does It Look Like to Be a Daughter of God? 

There is much freedom in knowing who you are in Christ. Throughout the New Testament, "in Christ" is used repeatedly to describe the believer's new life. This new life results from placing our complete trust in Christ, which makes us worthy recipients of God's grace, affirming us as his beloved daughters. 

Our new status as God's daughters doesn't give us status according to the world's standards. Our security in Christ is found not in pursuing worldly endeavors that make us "feel good about ourselves" or "have a sense of self-worth." Instead, we realize our true worth when we turn away from ourselves and find the significance of our lives in our incorporation into God's saving plan; we are his chosen and holy people! Take a look at what Paul wrote in Ephesians 1:5: 

"He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves." 

As a result of God's great love, he has predestined us for adoption. In other words, before he created the world, God determined that he would adopt us as his children. Did you know that in ancient times the Jewish culture would not adopt?! You had to be born a Jew to receive the whole heritage given to you by your father! However, with our new Christian heritage, we receive all the rights of a natural child and take the new family's name. This heritage makes the reality of being adopted by God so much sweeter! Remember "whose" you are and root your identity in Christ! We are no longer orphans. Looking to worldly status to find worth is no longer a worthy pursuit. Your value is ultimately in Christ. Your Father in heaven calls you his own, and nothing can take away his love for you!

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Secondly, Who Are You Letting Define You? 

One of my favorite hobbies is reading. It must be the introvert in me. Nothing sounds better than finding time alone and getting lost in a good book. But I also love reading books that deepen my faith and help me understand the Bible more profoundly. When I come across something insightful from Scripture, my husband always tells me that we wouldn't have realized that insight unless we took the time to study, and studying comes when we engage our minds fully in reading God's word. 

However, constantly buying books can get very expensive. So, I love finding books at thrift stores for huge discounts. One person may no longer see the value in the item they give away, but I see immense value in it! That is because the eye of the beholder always determines the value. God has made us in his image (Genesis 1:27) and has decided in his providential care to redeem our worth through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ (Romans 5:10-11). 

The people in our lives, whether family, friends, and colleagues, all play a role in how we see ourselves. Our home life may not have been as stable growing up, which produced insecurity deep within our hearts. Now we find that we are always seeking approval from others. We may want to gain respect from our friends, so we purchase items we can't afford and participate in activities we would only do to remain in our social circle. Our colleagues may pressure us to gossip or engage in unethical business endeavors. We also have our emotional turmoil of feeling anxious, defeated, guilty, ashamed, or just plain worn out. Then we have the enemy who whispers to us all day long, saying, "you are not smart enough; you are shy and could never stand up for yourself; you have no meaning and purpose in this life." Woah! So how do we redefine ourselves and remember our value? Defining ourselves can only be found in Christ. God has redeemed us because he loves us, and through his Son, is where we can find our ultimate value and purpose. 

Lastly, How Do We Live Out This Truth Daily? 

Friend, I must warn you that a spiritual war is going on for your identity. Fix your mind on this truth: It's not what you can accomplish that makes you a child of God. Instead, your new status results from what Christ accomplished on your behalf. Receive this truth and allow him to transform your inner being. 

In Romans 12:2, Paul tells us to be transformed by renewing our minds in the Word of God. Rather than letting the world squeeze you into its mold, be focused on those things that have lasting value. But what does that look like for you and me? (1) Reading God's word daily, (2) Having daily scripture affirmations that we read out loud over ourselves, (3) Listening to biblically grounded sermons and podcasts, (4) Studying the Bible with fellow believers, (5) Making the most of every opportunity to speak the truth of God’s love to others. God's word will inspire us to live a life seeking after his will and to pursue holiness and love, while the enemy's voice will condemn us, tempt us, and lead us astray. Remember, you are chosen and accepted in Christ and have a new identity as God's daughter. Walk in that reality today!

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