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3 Purposes of the Waiting Season

If you're currently in the midst of a waiting season, you may find it difficult to see anything positives. Your situation probably feels stagnant, confusing, and maybe, even a little hopeless. You know in your heart that God loves you and is in control, but you find it challenging to be patient and picture a favorable outcome when what's around you resembles nothing like what you're waiting for.

I clearly remember what it was like during my first season of waiting, and I've had many since then. At the time, I was praying to God about what I wanted – something good, God-honoring, and something I was sure He could make happen. I was desperate for it, and the Lord responded with a clear answer: "Wait!" I heard this word in my spirit, and it filled me with peace. However, I soon realized I was on a long journey that would require perseverance as I waited on the Lord.

Since that day, the Lord has taught me many things about seasons of waiting. For instance, I've learned that these seasons have a purpose, as hard as waiting may be. There is much celebration to be had during this time of patience and perseverance. Be confident that God's grace is at work in the waiting. He will fulfill the plan he has for your life; nothing will thwart it! So, let's dive into three positive purposes of the waiting season.

Philippians 1:6 “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

1. The Waiting Season is a Time of Worship

How can you view your waiting season differently, especially when it seems so dry and stagnant, and looking at it with hope for any potential change and growth seems impossible? The solution is to view your situation through the lens of worship and gratitude! The key here is to worship through the wait.

When we're intentional about worshiping God through every season of life, especially in hard times, we'll find that our perception has changed. Our eyes are no longer fixed on what hasn't yet happened but on God's faithfulness and what he has already given us.

The Lord is doing more behind the scenes than you can think or imagine. So go ahead and thank Him! Thank Him for what you cannot yet see. Thank Him for what He is already doing in your life and has yet to do. Pray continually! Stay in touch with your heavenly Father and watch as he turns your sorrows into joy. Rejoice that God is in charge and turning things around for your best. And, above all, worship Him for who He is — a faithful and generous God. He has much in store for you, so worship Him through the wait and watch how He turns your perspective around!

​​1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”

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2. The Waiting Season Grows Your Faith

It's no secret that the waiting season can be the most challenging time in your life, especially when the Lord appears to haven't revealed many details about your future or the next steps. However, these are the times to press into Him more. Instead of succumbing to doubt and discouragement, choose to trust God!

Friend, our God has proven over and over again that He knows what He is doing. He has a plan and is always faithful to fulfill it. Through the wait, He invites you to trust him more deeply. Although you may not fully see the results at the time, trust that He is working on your behalf. He desires to strengthen your faith, so allow the working power of his grace to have its way in life as he conforms you more and more into the image of his Son, Jesus.  

During the desert seasons of life, it's more important than ever to remain steadfast in your faith and to root your hope in God as you wait for the things you cannot yet see. Remember, God is faithful to keep his promises! The wonderful truth about the faith we build in seasons of waiting is that it prepares and sustains us for the next chapter of our lives. That's God's purpose! So the faith God has built in our lives during the wait will overflow into the next season, strengthening our Christian character and aiding us as we pursue God's purpose for our lives. 

Joshua 21:45 “Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.”

3. The Waiting Season Prepares You for the Promise

The waiting season may feel lonely. It may feel long and even seem pointless at times. But be encouraged! God uses these times in life to build our character and to grow our roots deep in Christ.

The outward growth may not yet have happened, and the flowers may not have yet budded. But that's because you need strong roots underneath the ground to support the growth on top. Without a strong foundation in Christ, your outward growth will soon crumble and die.

You are in a waiting season because you are not yet ready to embrace what God has for you. God is a good father, so if He withholds a good thing, it's for a good reason. Your waiting season is a time of preparation. Whatever you're asking God to bring about in your life, he may first have to build your character and strengthen your faith so that when the answer arrives, you'll possess the spiritual maturity needed to handle it responsibly and with gratitude.

Remember, God is present every minute of your desert season. He is prepping, preparing, and pruning you for what's next!

Colossians 2:7 "Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”

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