Her Faith Arises

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Two Takeaways on How to Embrace Perseverance Amid Life's Challenges

Have you ever chosen a word to focus on throughout the year? It's funny how certain words can take on a whole new meaning depending on the season of life we find ourselves in. For me, “perseverance” has become a word of profound significance. Its relevance has never been more apparent, especially considering the whirlwind of challenges that have unfolded in my life during the past few weeks. 

It all started when a hailstorm unexpectedly totaled our car while we were on vacation visiting family. It left my husband and me with only one vehicle to juggle our weekly work responsibilities, childcare for our son, and everything else. To add to the chaos, our long-awaited family vacation to California took a shocking turn when our loved ones fell ill with COVID, resulting in us being quarantined and unable to say our goodbyes before returning home. Amidst these trying times, my young son has been battling severe ear infections, leaving us anxious while awaiting his upcoming procedure for ear tubes. But that's not all – our dryer decided to malfunction, leaving us with piles of laundry and me having to go to the laundromat, and to top it off, our trusty rotating fan motor blew out, depriving us of the soothing breeze we rely on for a good night's sleep. God must have a sense of humor; even our beloved coffee maker began malfunctioning, spouting out grinds instead of the much-needed liquid fuel for our mornings. You know, the simple pleasures we often take for granted.

These recent challenges have tested my resilience in a significant way. Yet, during these moments, I have chosen to cling to my faith and trust Christ as he gives me strength to persevere. I draw strength from knowing that despite the storms, setbacks, and inconveniences, there is a deeper purpose and a greater power at work in my situation. Join me as we explore the significance of perseverance and how we can gain strength and find perspective through the book of Haggai.

First, let me introduce you to Haggai. He was a prophet in the Old Testament, and God used him to play a crucial role in rebuilding the Temple. King Solomon had initially built the Temple, which was majestic and filled with splendor. But it was destroyed when the southern kingdom of Judah was conquered, and the Babylonians took the people into captivity. When the people returned to the land, God used Haggai as his mouthpiece to remind the people of the importance of the Temple’s reconstruction. The Temple was the place where God's presence dwelt. God used the prophet to redirect the Jewish people’s focus to not prioritizing the world's ways but instead to start prioritizing God’s ways. To paraphrase Haggai’s message to the people, he said, "Hey guys, let's get our priorities straight and put our energy into rebuilding this awesome Temple. It's not just a building; it represents our relationship with God, and we'll experience His blessings if we prioritize it." Haggai persevered in encouraging God’s people and eventually rebuilt the Temple together.

Like Haggai, how can we persevere in our daily struggles and stay focused on fulfilling God's purpose for our lives?

Seek First the Kingdom of God

When God called Haggai to initiate rebuilding the Temple and redirect the people's focus onto God's purposes, he confronted a situation familiar to many of us today. The people of that time, just like us, were engrossed in the daily demands of life. They were busy raising children, managing households, and attending social gatherings. However, amidst their busyness, they had neglected God’s house, allowing it to remain in ruins. In response, God withheld His blessings. He did this to refocus their attention on His purposes. He wanted them to understand the importance of prioritizing His kingdom over their pursuits. 

Orienting our lives around God’s desires instead of our own is a principle deeply rooted in Scripture, as Jesus taught in Matthew 6:33: "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." This call to seek God's kingdom first is as relevant to us as it was to the Israelites in Haggai’s day. Amid our busy lives, it's easy to get caught up in worldly pursuits and neglect the spiritual aspects of our Christian journey. However, just as God used Haggai to redirect the Israelites’ focus, challenging situations may arise in our life intended to shift our pursuits. To seek God's kingdom first means aligning our hearts, minds, and actions with His will. God has work for us to do; he has a purpose and plan for each of us. But it will involve taking responsibility for our spiritual welfare, such as dedicating time to prayer, studying His Word, and engaging in fellowship with other believers. It will mean consciously seeking His guidance and direction in all our lives and making decisions based on His values rather than the secular values of today’s culture.

When we prioritize God's kingdom, He promises to care for our needs and bless us abundantly. It's not about neglecting our responsibilities or ignoring our daily tasks but rather about recognizing that God's kingdom is of paramount importance. By seeking to fulfill His purpose first, we invite His presence and guidance into our lives, enabling us to navigate challenges and achieve the plan He has for us. So, let us heed the message of Haggai and the teachings of Jesus, making a deliberate choice to seek first the values of God’s kingdom. As we do so, we can trust that God will bless us, guide us, and use us to bring His kingdom's impact to the world around us.

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God’s Spirit: Your Source of Strength in Persevering in Kingdom Work

If you expect to persevere through life’s challenges successfully, it's vital to remember that you are never alone. God, in His boundless love and wisdom, provides His Holy Spirit to strengthen and sustain you in your work, especially during tough times. The truth of God’s ever-abiding Spirit in your life echoes the comforting message emphasized in the book of Haggai. We all face opposition, difficulties, and weariness in our work, whether in our careers, family life, or ministry in the church. But take heart, for God's Spirit intervenes to uplift and empower you. Just as Haggai delivered a powerful message from the Lord to the people of Israel, so too can you find solace in these words today:

"Be strong, all you people of the land... Work, for I am with you... My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear" (Haggai 2:4-5).

Recognizing that the Holy Spirit is your constant companion and advocate is essential. Remember, his presence will provide the strength, courage, and perseverance you need to fulfill God’s tasks. When you encounter obstacles that seem insurmountable or feel overwhelmed by weariness, take comfort in the presence of God's Spirit by your side. Through the Holy Spirit's empowering presence, you can tap into a source of strength far greater than your capabilities. He will grant you wisdom, discernment, and creative solutions to navigate challenges when you lean on him. He will renew your determination to press on and give you resilience that surpasses your human limitations.

Lastly, allow God’s Spirit to infuse you with renewed enthusiasm and resolve as you persevere through your work. Rest assured that you have a supernatural force supporting you every step of the way. May the Spirit inspire and guide you, helping you overcome challenges, achieve your God-given goals, and make a lasting impact for the gospel. You are never alone in your Christian journey. You can persevere and fulfill God's work with the Spirit's strength.

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