Her Faith Arises Ministries

Two faith-filled, kingdom-seeking women sharing the redemptive and amazing grace their heavenly Father pours over them daily.

Here at Her Faith Arises, we are a close-knit community of strong and passionate Christian women. Our mission is to wholeheartedly embrace God's plan for our lives, share the life-changing truths of the Bible, and empower women to boldly live out their faith. Every woman is valuable in our community, and together, we uplift and support each other in our Christian journeys. You can look forward to engaging in weekly prayer circles, participating in personalized mentorship programs, and reading inspiring blog posts to create a safe and nurturing space to feel encouraged and supported in your spiritual growth.

Come journey with us as we grow in faith and sisterhood!

Our Mission.

Our Mission.

 Rise up as beloved daughters of God, and pursue his divine plan for your lives with unwavering faith.

 Rise up as beloved daughters of God, and pursue his divine plan for your lives with unwavering faith.

How We Serve

Truth-Filled Devotionals

Writing devotionals on Instagram is where our ministry first began, and we still post daily devos Monday through Friday. Our ministry has also released a book that includes daily devotionals from God's word to encourage women and strengthen their faith. Touching the lives of our online community members daily with the life-changing truth of scripture is at the heart of our ministry.

Faith-Strengthening Blog Posts

We publish weekly blogs on our website to help our readers strengthen their faith and grow deeper in their knowledge of God's word. These blog posts are carefully curated to address topics from a biblical viewpoint so that women from all walks of life can relate to them. All our blogs are reviewed by our Editor of Theology and Biblical Interpretation.

Christ-Centered Community

From an Instagram community of over 100,000 to our online mentorship courses, we believe in the vital work of connecting with our fellow sisters in Christ to help each other grow in our faith. We aim to pour life-giving biblical truth into the lives of those who come in contact with our ministry and aid them in doing the same for the communities God has placed them.

Why the name Her Faith Arises?

The name "Her Faith Arises" is drawn from the incredible story in Mark 5:25-34. The story exemplifies the profound impact of healing, compassion, and faith. It's about a woman who endured a debilitating blood issue for twelve years, seeking various treatments to no avail. Socially marginalized due to her condition, she was considered unclean according to the Mosaic Law.

When she heard about Jesus, the woman's unwavering faith led her to believe that merely touching him could heal her. In a crowded space, her extraordinary faith connected her with Jesus, and upon reaching out, she was instantly healed. This story emphasizes the incredible power of faith, ultimately leading to the woman's return to society and her physical and spiritual healing, instilling hope in everyone.

The name "Her Faith Arises" was chosen for our ministry to remind fellow sisters that Christ determines their true worth. It reflects Jesus' compassionate disregard for societal norms and Jewish taboos to help a suffering woman, emphasizing that our true worth lies in being beloved daughters of God, regardless of societal labels.

We encourage our fellow sisters to find their worth in Christ while also stepping out with bold faith, just like the woman in the story. Embracing this life-changing truth, we hope to see their FAITH ARISE in Christ as they realize they are truly beloved daughters of God. This will empower them to pursue God's plan for their lives wholeheartedly.

 Meet the Founders

Paula Sue Gross


After my third child, I suffered deeply from PP Anxiety. In my lowest lows, I was searching for affirmation that this brokenness would be turned into restoration and my experiences would be used for a larger purpose. Now I teach women in the thick of motherhood to find their purpose + empower them to step boldly into whom they are authentically created to be.

Alexandra Stewart


I started Worthy of Grace after a women's bible study, after realizing that so many women were struggling with anxiety and comparison. I wanted to remind them of their worth as they scrolled through Instagram. My goal at Worthy of Grace is to empower women in their faith through Biblical teaching, devotions, and friendship so that they can walk victoriously in this life with Christ!