Who Owns What

All versions (rough drafts, edits, and final drafts) of articles will belong fully to the author. Worthy of Grace Ministries will only use volunteer writings with the permission of the volunteer, and will not take ownership of writings submitted by volunteers. Your words are fully your own.

Once your writing is submitted to Worthy of Grace Ministries, you are free to still use your writings how you choose including but not limited to posting on other websites or social media platforms.

How Will You Use My Writing?

Worthy of Grace Ministries will mainly use submitted writings on our website blog posted as articles. We also reserve the right to use excerpts from submitted writings in email newsletters and social media posts.

How Long Will You Use My Writing?

Worthy of Grace Ministries reserves the right to remove any writings/articles from their platforms at any time without notice. While we appreciate all efforts offered to our ministry, volunteering for our ministry does not guarantee the usage of your submitted works.

If at any time the volunteer would like to remove their writing from the Worthy of Grace website and/or social media platforms, they may do so by contacting us at worthyofgrace@worthyofgrace.org. We will promptly remove your writing(s) from our platform(s) at your request. Once you have requested removal of your work, we will no longer use it unless you give permission again.

Biblical Accuracy and Editing 

All writing that is posted to Worthy of Grace Ministries is held to a Biblical standard of accuracy. Volunteers are expected to write from a Biblical viewpoint and review their writings for Biblical accuracy to the best of their ability.

To ensure Biblical accuracy, all articles uploaded to the Worthy of Grace Ministries website are first reviewed by our Editor of Theology and Biblical Interpretation. All volunteers must agree to have their writings reviewed and edited by our Editor of Theology and Biblical Interpretation.

The edited version of your submitted works will always be sent to you for review before posting. If you disagree with any edits made to your work, you are encouraged to bring it to the attention of our Editor of Theology and Biblical Interpretation and discuss changes you would like made. If an agreement cannot be made, you are free to relinquish permission for your writing to be used by Worthy of Grace Ministries and discontinue your volunteer status at any time.

If Worthy of Grace Ministries deems any writing to be Biblically inaccurate or in opposition of our ministry views/beliefs, we reserve the right to not use said writings. Additionally, Worthy of Grace Ministries reserves the right to not use any submitted writings for any reason.