Her Faith Arises

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How to Be Grateful in the Now When You're Too Focused on the Future

Earlier this year, I asked my husband, "How do you live in the moment?" I'm a dreamer and a visionary, and I love being creative. So I'm always looking to the future and trying to create or improve. But, unfortunately, my forward outlook on life sometimes makes it hard for me to be content with what is happening in the here and now. Can you relate? My husband, however, is more spontaneous and an "in-the-moment" type of person. 

A part of me has always admired people who could change their plans at the drop of a hat, step head-first into a situation without a set agenda, and work well under pressure, even when things go off track. I'm just not wired that way, which has benefits when it comes to planning, organization, and attention to detail. Unfortunately, however, these personality traits of mine have never lent themselves to helping me live in the moment.

As I've matured in my faith over the years, I've developed a specific method for my prayers, breaking them into two parts. The first part of my prayer involves praise and gratitude, in which I acknowledge God for who He is and all He has done in my life. Starting my prayer time in this way has helped me focus on God, and how he has aided me in the past and the present, resulting in a grateful heart.

The second part of my prayer involves requests. I enjoy talking with my heavenly Father about what's going on in my life, and then I ask Him for what I need. When I was younger in my Christian walk, much of my prayer time focused on this second part – asking God for what I needed and wanted. Why? Because I was future-oriented. I trusted God with my life and future. I knew He would guide and provide for my needs. However, being so hung up on what tomorrow would bring resulted in me missing out on today. So, although I trusted God, I still found myself worrying and wondering what was around the corner.

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Earlier this year, the Lord led me to realize that I was falling again into the trap of always looking forward and hardly ever looking down. Yet, if I stopped to look down, I would see that the Lord was with me, walking beside me down the path I was currently on. I would see how he has provided for me this day and season. 

This realization from the Lord reminded me of my husband, who is so good at focusing on the now. So I asked him if he had any suggestions on how I could be more content with the present. And his answer was so simple yet profound to me at that moment. He suggested that I focus on gratitude. More specifically, his idea involved journaling my thoughts and writing a list of things I'm grateful for. Once I started this practice, it was rewarding and helpful. It pulled me back to the present and showed me what God is doing in the here and now.

So my suggestion is the same for you! If you've found yourself in a pattern of dwelling on the future and worrying about the unknown… Struggling to see the good in the here and now… Constantly wishing away your time and hanging on for a better tomorrow… Spending more time planning for the future than enjoying the present… Then choose to live this day with a grateful heart! Start writing down all the things you're thankful for, and you'll begin to see how God has been at work in your life.

"Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." (1 Thess. 5:16-18)

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