Obedience Through Faith: Trusting God When the Path Seems Difficult

You want me to do what?

Go where?

And be who?

“Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you.” (Job 22:21 ESV)

It won't always be easy when God calls you to step out in faith and pursue His purpose for your life. You'll feel Him pushing you outside your comfort zone as he urges you to trust Him more deeply. He'll stretch your faith by asking you to do more than you think you are fully capable of doing. Let me share with you my personal testimony as proof of this truth.

For years I struggled to experience the peace that comes from knowing I was accepted. Yet, with anything I did, I never felt like I was good enough. Constantly, I searched for peace in all the wrong places, clinging to the hope that one day I would find the inner peace in my heart that I noticed in the lives of others. 

At a young age, I accepted Jesus as the Lord of my life, hoping that I would finally experience the peace I had always longed to have. However, I wasn't pursuing Christ as He had first pursued me. I hadn't yielded to Him completely, nor was I consistent in my faith or disciplined in my Christian walk. That lack of commitment finally caught up to me as an adult. I was so angry and hurt by my past that I turned away from the Lord. 

Fast forward years later into motherhood, I found myself breaking, struggling, and crying out for help from my Heavenly Father to heal me of this never-ending feeling of unrest. This aching void in my life consumed me so deeply that I couldn't even get out of bed. Yet, as the Lord often does, His answer came to me most uniquely. He didn't just give me an answer but showed me in a tangible way that He had never left my side. I experienced the gentleness of his response to my prayer through my children's sweet hugs and tender words from my husband. These acts of love and kindness revealed that I wasn't alone. I was fully loved and entirely accepted and wanted by Him, always! 

Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice so that I could experience eternity with Him. He loved me even before I was born and continued to love me after I had made poor choices and turned from Him. My Heavenly Father declared his love for me through his Son's sacrifice on the cross because He cherishes me as His daughter.  

I am here today, encouraging you to declare that you are all in. Say aloud, "I am forever God's beloved daughter, and I will rely on his grace and guidance as I strive every day of my life to let others see Him in me."

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Don't be discouraged, sis! Know that the purpose God has called you to pursue will be for your benefit. He will never lead you astray. You must believe, yield to his will, and step out in faith even when you cannot fully comprehend His plan! His promise to you is that He will never leave nor forsake you. Instead, He will patiently wait and place in your path people and circumstances to guide you and help you grow spiritually. The unknown path ahead of you is where many of us have faltered, but I am here today as living proof of God's love and faithfulness. God's path for you, which may seem frightening, confusing, and not what you desired initially, is where He is calling you to step out in faith.

Cling to His word! Praise Him in the most challenging seasons as you praise Him in the most magnificent seasons. Yield to His will and rely on His strength as you strive to stay disciplined in your daily Christian walk. Through your faith, discipline, and dependence on the Holy Spirit, each step you take during this journey with Him will be free from anxiety and fear.

“It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.” (Deuteronomy 13:4 NIV)

Sister, today is the day to trust your Heavenly Father completely. Be obedient in all you do, even when you feel like it's too hard.

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