God is Already in Our Tomorrow

How much time have you spent fretting about what will happen next? Maybe you’ve wondered how your current situation will play out exactly. Or how you'll overcome the anxiety and fear of a particular challenge you're facing.

Sis, let me remind you of this one simple yet crucial truth… when we allow fear and anxiety to reign unchecked in our lives, we give the devil a foothold and enable him to rob us of our joy and weaken our faith.

We’ve all been told to "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7). But how do we put that truth into practice when fear of the unknown and the nagging feeling of anxiety consume our minds? 

We’ve also been told to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5-6). Again, how can we apply this truth from God’s word when our path appears crooked, winding, and never-ending?

Trust… that’s how! By trusting in your Heavenly Father's providential care and knowing He is sovereign and in complete control, you will gain peace and a perspective that helps you view your situation with hopeful expectations. You must trust that Christ has already conquered death, and our daily challenges are no match for Him. God’s ever-abiding presence in our lives is a deep-rooted promise to us. Our Heavenly Father already knows the outcome, and how amazing would it be if we did too?! But life doesn’t operate that way, and God invites us to trust and follow Him. Ok! I can do that! I can trust that His plan is far more excellent than mine. I can trust that He has a much grander path carved out for me than I can imagine! I can live each day striving to be closer and more like His Son Jesus. Of course, I will fail sometimes… but I know my intentions are right with the Lord, and He sees the attitude of my heart.

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If you foreknew what your life would be like…every step…every decision…every heartbreak, and every joyous occasion…would you live differently and trust God more fully? I know I would! Here’s the deal, friend: we don’t know what our future will bring, and this is where choosing to step out in faith and believe that God is already in our tomorrow plays an enormous role. But to move forward in faith, we must relinquish that white-knuckling, holding on to our way mentality and give it to the Lord. God has a plan, a path, and a purpose for our lives, and they are unique to each of us. 

I love the story of Joseph in the Bible, and at first, I was angry at his brothers for selling him off. I was heartbroken as a mother thinking of losing my child. However, the truth I can glean from Joseph’s story is that the Lord already had a plan, path, and purpose for him that changed generations. Joseph was not ready…yet, to do what his calling required; the Lord, over time, qualified him, and it was through his persistent faith in the everlasting God that he could be redeemed and recognized spiritually and physically. God blessed and provided for Joseph repeatedly, and yes, Joseph doubted how this could genuinely be the plan for him, but he persevered and fought through those negative thoughts. And sis…you need to do the same! Here are a few verses to help put your heart at ease as you work on trusting God in those seasons of defeat, pain, confusion, and more…

“Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the LORD tested Joseph’s character.” (Psalm 105:19 NLT)

Ugggggh, yes, we will be tested! But that testing of our character will make us stronger!

“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you.” (Psalm 9:10 NLT)

Amen! We won’t be abandoned! EVER! Keep seeking the Lord and putting your trust in Him.

“Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” (Mark 5:36 NLT)

Our job is to believe! Can you slow down and take a step back in faith? Are you willing to surrender? God didn’t say you won’t be afraid; He just says don’t fear because He has us in His hand. God hears you sis, and He has so much more for you than you can imagine…He is a good Father who wants you to trust the process and plan for your life.

If there is anything my heart wishes more, it's that you remember that God is already in your tomorrow.

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