Her Faith Arises Blog

Biblically-based articles to help you grow in your faith and understand God’s purpose for your life

Faith Guest User Faith Guest User

3 Truths to Remember When You’re Struggling to Trust God

Sister, you may have come to this post with a heavy heart, and a burden of worry on your shoulders. Your soul may feel weary right now, and the future foggy. Amidst your troubles you know what the Bible and fellow Christians say to do… Trust God. However, that may not be so easy for you right now. When you see other Christians seemingly overflowing with faith and hope for tomorrow, you are struggling to understand and accept your current circumstance and perhaps even wondering where God is during this time. Why has He not come through for you? Or how could He possibly even fix the mess piling up around you? Trust does not come so easily at the moment for you

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Faith Guest User Faith Guest User

Two Reminders for Overcoming Your Season of Doubt

Are you currently in a season of doubt? I think every Christian has gone through a time when they doubted God. The battle between spirit and flesh is constant, and, at times, the challenge to continue believing in things not yet seen can get the best of us. Whatever you are doubting in your Christian walk right now, you are not alone. Here are two encouraging reminders to help you overcome your season of doubt!

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Faith, Emotions Alexandra Stewart Faith, Emotions Alexandra Stewart

Desperate for Relief From My Unbelief

In the Bible, we often encounter remarkable heroes of faith, individuals who gazed upon seemingly insurmountable odds and yet, with unwavering trust, believed in God's capacity to perform the extraordinary. Their triumphs continue to serve as a wellspring of inspiration for us all. However, there are moments when the tides of doubt swell and engulf us. It's natural to think, "Well, that's great for them, but my mind doesn't function that way. I desperately need God to hear, respond, and provide answers for me—right now." I've experienced those moments myself. The challenge lies in that, even in ministry, we grapple with our frail human nature. We are sinners, susceptible to wandering and wrongdoing, just like anyone else. 

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Faith Paula Sue Gross Faith Paula Sue Gross

Don’t Give Up!

Doubt seems to take down the best of us. When we find ourselves struggling in our Christian walk, our faith usually takes the first hit. You may be doubling down in your prayer time, reading more in your Bible, blasting those Christian songs day and night, yet amid all your effort to stay encouraged, you still feel the ache and debilitating effects of doubt. You wonder if your current situation will ever turn around, if you can overcome your obstacle, or if there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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