Her Faith Arises Blog

Biblically-based articles to help you grow in your faith and understand God’s purpose for your life

Emotions Rebecca Onagoruwa Emotions Rebecca Onagoruwa


Writing on a blog topic that resonates so deeply in one’s heart can feel somewhat reflective. Still, I can also see how this topic is not incredibly unique to my personal experience but a common occurrence among many. To be lonely may not be an admittance one would be so openly willing to share with others, whether out of fear of not wanting to be judged or out of pride of not liking to be exposed or pitied. However, the reality is that loneliness is a worldwide phenomenon

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Emotions Guest User Emotions Guest User

17 Bible Verses for the Lonely Girl

I think I can confidently say that most of us have known the deep, heart-wrenching feeling of loneliness. Personally, I’ve always been someone who was comfortable with being alone. As a big introvert, I valued my alone time to recharge, and even as a child, I had no problems playing alone or entertaining myself. But there is a significant difference between wanting to be alone and feeling like you have no one to turn to in your time of need.

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Emotions Alexandra Stewart Emotions Alexandra Stewart

If God Is Always With Me, Then Why Do I Feel Lonely?

As I scrolled through social media, my heart instantly dropped to the floor as I saw another girl living out the same prayer I was desperately offering to the Lord, yet my prayer remained unanswered. At that moment, my thoughts veered toward the extreme as paralyzing doubts raged inside me, wondering if God had even heard my cries. If He has noticed, why does this season's loneliness and the ache in my heart hurt so bad?

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Emotions Paula Sue Gross Emotions Paula Sue Gross

Loneliness in a World Full of People

With over 8 billion people in this world how is it even possible to feel alone?  More than just feeling alone, it's about the sadness and despair we feel when we feel that no one is for us or cares about us.  Loneliness when we are surrounded by others is a very real phenomenon and I’m not here to tell you it gets easier with time or that you shouldn't worry because it’ll be alright.  I’m here to tell you that it's normal and to give you a few ways that have worked for me over the last 20 years to hopefully minimize the pain you may feel.

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Faith, Emotions Alexandra Stewart Faith, Emotions Alexandra Stewart

Desperate for Relief From My Unbelief

In the Bible, we often encounter remarkable heroes of faith, individuals who gazed upon seemingly insurmountable odds and yet, with unwavering trust, believed in God's capacity to perform the extraordinary. Their triumphs continue to serve as a wellspring of inspiration for us all. However, there are moments when the tides of doubt swell and engulf us. It's natural to think, "Well, that's great for them, but my mind doesn't function that way. I desperately need God to hear, respond, and provide answers for me—right now." I've experienced those moments myself. The challenge lies in that, even in ministry, we grapple with our frail human nature. We are sinners, susceptible to wandering and wrongdoing, just like anyone else. 

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Emotions, Mental Health Paula Sue Gross Emotions, Mental Health Paula Sue Gross

Have You Ever Felt Absolutely Empty?

Have you ever felt absolutely empty, like you woke up one day with a deep aching in your belly, but no matter what you did, you just couldn’t shake the feeling? Then, as you walked throughout your day, week, or month, you started to wonder, “Why is everything going wrong, and why is the Lord allowing this to happen to me?”

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Faith, Emotions Guest User Faith, Emotions Guest User

3 Reasons Why Having Patience is Having Peace-of-Mind

In a world with so much to worry and be anxious about, where chaos and division are rampant, I find myself deeply desiring and seeking peace of mind. Thankfully, I have a relationship with Jesus, who gives me supernatural peace. Thank you, Lord! But of course, the enemy loves to sneak into our lives and steal our peace when possible. So what are some ways that we can guard our peace of mind and promote a peaceful existence? One way I’ve found is through being patient!

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Faith, Emotions, Mental Health Guest User Faith, Emotions, Mental Health Guest User

Two Steps for Fighting the Fear of Man

For many years I struggled with crippling fear, specifically in social situations. I was constantly caring about what others thought of me, obsessed with others’ perception of how I looked, what I said, and who I was. Social anxiety was a prison and a stronghold over my life. Maybe you don’t have something as severe as social anxiety, but you’ve noticed that you care a little too much about what others may think of you, or you tend to base most of your decisions on the approval of others. Has this fear of man caused you to become a bit of a recluse? Slinking into the shadows to avoid the spotlight for fear of being judged? Or maybe it has the opposite effect and has caused you to become a people-pleaser, perpetually trying to make everyone happy and molding yourself into what everyone else wants you to be.

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Emotions, Faith Alexandra Stewart Emotions, Faith Alexandra Stewart

Two Essential Keys to Finding Comfort in Our Immanuel

As a first-time Mom, the holidays have taken on new meaning for me. Everything is my son's first-time experience, and I want these moments with him to be very special even though the only memories he will have are from my perspective and the photos I share with him as he gets older. There is something very precious about the moments we share with those closest to us that pales compared to anything else.

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Gratitude, Emotions Christina Schuetz Gratitude, Emotions Christina Schuetz

Finding Gratitude When You Don't Feel Grateful

It's that time of year again! The porch signs are out, the graphic T-shirts are on, and the cute Instagram memes are abundant. The same sentiment echoes throughout: "Grateful. Thankful. Blessed." Before I go any further, please know I have a hand towel engraved with this seasonal sentiment, so I'm not dissing its significance. In truth, it's a beautiful and rhythmic sentiment. It evokes a sense of joy, security, and warm and fuzzy feelings. Unless, of course, it doesn't.

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Emotions, Gratitude Guest User Emotions, Gratitude Guest User

How to Be Grateful in the Now When You're Too Focused on the Future

Earlier this year, I asked my husband, "How do you live in the moment?" I'm a dreamer and a visionary, and I love being creative. So I'm always looking to the future and trying to create or improve. But, unfortunately, my forward outlook on life sometimes makes it hard for me to be content with what is happening in the here and now. Can you relate? My husband, however, is more spontaneous and an "in-the-moment" type of person.

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Gratitude, Emotions Alexandra Stewart Gratitude, Emotions Alexandra Stewart

How to Overcome Loneliness with Gratitude

It's that time of the year again when the nights are cold, and the lattes are hot, but we sense something is missing or out of place. Our hearts don't feel the season's warmth as we initially hoped. We're all familiar with how Social Media tends to overdramatize peoples' personal lives, especially around the holidays. So often, we see pictures of couples and families spending time together sipping coffee, taking cute selfies, or being in love. Of course, many of us are glad to see the love shared between families and couples. But for some of us, it hurts to see this, especially when our lives look so different in comparison. It hurts because community and connection are things we deeply long for in our hearts. So how do we give thanks during our lonely seasons?

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Emotions Alexandra Stewart Emotions Alexandra Stewart

How to Wait Well When You’re Weary and Worn Out

"I love waiting!" Not many people, if any, would ever say this. On the contrary, long seasons of waiting leave our hearts tangled up in frustration and crying out, "When God, when?" We stubbornly throw little tantrums as if we are three again, all because we're weary and worn out from the wait. In past seasons of waiting, my eagerness and readiness for the next chapter of life to start have often left me feeling hurt and disappointed. As God whispers, daughter, wait!

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Faith, Emotions Guest User Faith, Emotions Guest User

4 Biblical Truths About Joy

We’ve all heard the word joy and it is considered a synonym for words like happiness and bliss. But what if I told you that there is so much more behind this three letter word? That you could have joy even when you don’t have happiness, and that your joy never has to be stolen from you? That’s what God has to say about joy and so much more! Let’s dive into four truths from the Bible all about joy.

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Emotions, Faith Alexandra Stewart Emotions, Faith Alexandra Stewart

Three Keys to Remain Joyful in Seasons of Joylessness (a Lesson from the Book of Jeremiah)

A woman who says yes to God must confront the places and people she may have avoided in the past. For example, I have been taking my son on morning walks before the day's heat scorches everyone and everything outside. I have been enjoying my time getting outside, but my postpartum anxiety has me praying that no one stops me to talk. Spending quality time chatting with friends is a rarity I thoroughly enjoy. Still, unwanted talks with strangers leave me with anxious feelings and wanting to escape rather than engage in conversation.

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Mental Health, Emotions Alexandra Stewart Mental Health, Emotions Alexandra Stewart

What Do We Do When Lies And Anxiety Consume Us?

What if there is redemption, love, and assurance on the other side of rejection, loneliness, and anxiety? When you are walking through hard seasons, it's difficult to quiet your mind and allow the inner working of the Holy Spirit to speak His grace and truth over your life, but what if doing the very hard thing is the very thing we need to grow in our faith?

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