Her Faith Arises Blog

Biblically-based articles to help you grow in your faith and understand God’s purpose for your life

Faith Paula Sue Gross Faith Paula Sue Gross

Don’t Give Up!

Doubt seems to take down the best of us. When we find ourselves struggling in our Christian walk, our faith usually takes the first hit. You may be doubling down in your prayer time, reading more in your Bible, blasting those Christian songs day and night, yet amid all your effort to stay encouraged, you still feel the ache and debilitating effects of doubt. You wonder if your current situation will ever turn around, if you can overcome your obstacle, or if there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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Faith Guest User Faith Guest User

The Value of Self-Discipline in the Christian Life

At the end of May, I completed a three-day fast. It was my first ever fast from food. For over a month, I had sensed the Lord pulling on my heart to undertake the spiritual discipline of fasting. But to be honest, I was very intimidated by it. I didn’t know how I would be able to give up food for three days straight. How would I deal with the hunger? Would I have enough energy to go about my daily schedule? What symptoms would I experience? Despite my hesitation, I knew I couldn’t ignore what the Lord wanted to teach me.

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Faith Alexandra Stewart Faith Alexandra Stewart

Two Takeaways on How to Embrace Perseverance Amid Life's Challenges

Have you ever chosen a word to focus on throughout the year? It's funny how certain words can take on a whole new meaning depending on the season of life we find ourselves in. For me, “perseverance” has become a word of profound significance. Its relevance has never been more apparent, especially considering the whirlwind of challenges that have unfolded in my life during the past few weeks. 

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Faith Paula Sue Gross Faith Paula Sue Gross

When You Want to Give Up: 3 Ways to Persevere

Perseverance is a much-needed virtue in so many different areas of life. However, as crucial as this virtue is in our Christian walk, it’s the first many give up or fail to practice when a situation becomes too challenging or unmanageable. Are you one to throw in the towel when life gets tough, or do you push onward to the finish line? As women of faith, the Bible urges us to trust God wholeheartedly as we stay the course set before us, grow in godly character, and finish our race strong, but the question inevitably arises, how? How do I keep going when it seems futile? 

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Faith Alexandra Stewart Faith Alexandra Stewart

3 Ways How Persevering with Patience Leads to God’s Blessing: A Lesson from the Story of Hannah

This year I decided to step back from the endless scrolling on social media and focus on prioritizing my spiritual health. I want to ensure I am fully present and engaged in my relationship with God without distractions. It's been a game-changer, and I feel much more centered on God and at peace. I realized that the more time I spent scrolling, the less time I wanted to spend with my Savior in the sacred moments of prayer. Apathy secretly crept into the places of my heart where adoration for Jesus once soared.

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