Her Faith Arises Blog

Biblically-based articles to help you grow in your faith and understand God’s purpose for your life

Faith Paula Sue Gross Faith Paula Sue Gross

Discipline to Devotion: Understanding Your Relationship With Christ

I am the Pinterest queen! If there is a tip, a method, 10 ways to do XYZ I am all over it. However, when my soul is longing for a more grounded relationship in the Lord, I know that I need to focus more on Him and less on everything else. When my vision is blurred because of life and sis let me tell you I get it! Like I’m in the trenches with you trying to navigate life as a daughter of Christ too…I am gently prompted and sometimes given a good swift kick in the rear by the Holy Spirit to buckle down in my faith. The discipline of my faith has to be rooted in my daily actions, has to stretch me to focus more, and has to promote a loving relationship with my Heavenly Father.

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