Her Faith Arises Blog

Biblically-based articles to help you grow in your faith and understand God’s purpose for your life

Faith, Emotions, Mental Health Guest User Faith, Emotions, Mental Health Guest User

Two Steps for Fighting the Fear of Man

For many years I struggled with crippling fear, specifically in social situations. I was constantly caring about what others thought of me, obsessed with others’ perception of how I looked, what I said, and who I was. Social anxiety was a prison and a stronghold over my life. Maybe you don’t have something as severe as social anxiety, but you’ve noticed that you care a little too much about what others may think of you, or you tend to base most of your decisions on the approval of others. Has this fear of man caused you to become a bit of a recluse? Slinking into the shadows to avoid the spotlight for fear of being judged? Or maybe it has the opposite effect and has caused you to become a people-pleaser, perpetually trying to make everyone happy and molding yourself into what everyone else wants you to be.

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Mental Health Paula Sue Gross Mental Health Paula Sue Gross

6 Steps to Overcome Anxiety and Depression

It's Okay to be a Faith-filled Christian and have a Therapist Too! Stop worrying about what others will think! Even Elijah battled depression, and we didn't see God sending angels to preach at him to pray more fervently or condemn him. Instead, he sent an angel to comfort him while he rested!

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Mental Health Alexandra Stewart Mental Health Alexandra Stewart

Does Going to Church Help with Anxiety?

More often than not, the church shies away from the tough topic of mental health disorders. Perhaps, many church leaders find themselves ill-equipped to deal with such issues as anxiety, panic disorder, phobias, and OCD. Either way, these issues are very real and the church cannot remain indifferent to them.

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