4 Biblical Truths About Joy

We’ve all heard the word joy and it is considered a synonym for words like happiness and bliss. But what if I told you that there is so much more behind this three letter word? That you could have joy even when you don’t have happiness, and that your joy never has to be stolen from you? That’s what God has to say about joy and so much more! Let’s dive into four truths from the Bible all about joy.

1. Joy is a Fruit of the Spirit

Joy is the quality that everyone is searching for in this life. But unfortunately, most people search for it in things that can never produce it – possessions, careers, and relationships. If you haven't already discovered, this search is futile because worldly pleasure will ultimately leave you unfulfilled. So, where does genuine joy reside? It comes from our heavenly Father, but more specifically, it comes from his Spirit who dwells in our hearts. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and is available to all followers of Jesus Christ.

However, our experience of joy is entirely dependent on the Spirit's work. This doesn't mean that we're not to strive to improve our lives for the sake of having joy, but that we are to do so while we depend on the Spirit's transformative activity in our hearts. In other words, joy is not merely the product of our efforts but of divine empowerment. Overall, pure and unwavering joy is God-centered and results from faith in him. 

Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”

2. True Joy Is Reliant on God

We've all experienced difficult circumstances that have put us in a crummy mood or even sent us to the lows of grief. It doesn't matter whether negative things occur around us or to us; our happiness will undoubtedly be affected. But a joy reliant on God's nature won't be shaken by life's troubles. Why? Because God is the "Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." He is the creator of the moon, sun, and stars. But unlike the sun and moon, God's light cannot be overshadowed. The lights in the heavens may shift and fade; even the sun is eclipsed, but God's light is unchanging.

He is not moved or changed by worldly scenarios. He always stays the same and is the source of everything good. Therefore, true joy relies on God's compassionate and unchangeable character, not our ever-changing circumstances. 

James 1:17 “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”

3. You Can Have Joy Even in Hard Times

We all know that joy can be had even when facing difficult circumstances because the true source of joy is rooted in God. Moreover, we can also experience joy in challenging times because we know God will use our trials to produce something good in our lives. It's no secret that we're happy when things go how we want them to. Still, to experience true joy, we must realize that God is in complete control and will work in and through our trials for our benefit. You may be experiencing financial problems, physical illness, a broken friendship, or rejection of your faith. Whatever your trial may be, you should view it as an occasion for rejoicing.

You should react with joy because these trials are a means of testing through which God works to create a stronger and more confident faith within you. With this perspective, it's easier to look ahead with a fruitful outlook and anticipate what God will produce in your character through your struggles instead of what your trials are taking from you. And in a world where hard times are inevitable, that is something to rejoice over!

James 1:2-3 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

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4. Godly Joy Brings You Strength

The fact that godly joy gives us strength no matter the troubles life brings is a very empowering thought. In Nehemiah chapter 8, we read about the sovereign work of God as he brought revival to the people of Israel. The Israelites had been protected from the consequences of their disobedience by God's covenant of mercy. Even though they had greatly sinned, God demonstrated his love by forgiving them. This special covenant was the foundation of their joy and the reason for their celebration.

As Christians, the undeserved grace of God has been displayed in the forgiveness given to us through Christ's atoning work on the cross. Furthermore, God has adopted us into his family and made us citizens of heaven. That we have been given new life in Christ and have been blessed with every spiritual blessing should provide us with a hopeful outlook on our circumstances, the strength required to persevere, and most importantly, be a constant source of joy.

Nehemiah 8:10 “...the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

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