Three Keys to Remain Joyful in Seasons of Joylessness (a Lesson from the Book of Jeremiah)

A woman who says yes to God must confront the places and people she may have avoided in the past. For example, I have been taking my son on morning walks before the day's heat scorches everyone and everything outside. I have been enjoying my time getting outside, but my postpartum anxiety has me praying that no one stops me to talk. Spending quality time chatting with friends is a rarity I thoroughly enjoy. Still, unwanted talks with strangers leave me with anxious feelings and wanting to escape rather than engage in conversation. Yet, the very place I run from is the exact place God has called me to confront. So often, my lack of response to others is misperceived as appearing standoffish instead of friendly, which is never my intention. Have you ever been in a place where you were internally battling feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, doubt, or unworthiness, but outwardly, you were pushing through the complexities of your emotions to obey God?

Jeremiah is one person in the Bible I have always related to from an emotional standpoint. Jeremiah was just like you and me - he had dreams. He wanted to be married and start a family, but God called him to a life of celibacy. God’s purpose for his life was to be a prophet and warn the people of Israel of God’s coming judgment upon the nation. He inwardly battled his dreams and daily had to submit his ways to God’s will for his life. More than once, Jeremiah cried out to God in his despair. He never hid the messiness of his emotions from God but instead allowed God’s nearness and grace to overcome what was overwhelming him. 

Only God can take our brokenness and turn it into something beautiful. It’s simply a mystery how God takes our messes and transforms them into masterpieces. He does this for his glory and our good.

How do we find joy in the midst of our messy emotions and misunderstandings? God spoke to Jeremiah to encourage him, and these three encouragements are for you too. 

1. God is Our Hope 

Alas, my mother, that you gave me birth, a man with whom the whole land strives and contends! I have neither lent nor borrowed,  yet everyone curses me. Jeremiah 15:10 NIV

The great burden of Jeremiah’s prophetic ministry caused him to curse his existence. But God claimed his life for a great purpose. He was to be empowered to serve as a prophet for God’s glory. God has given us his written word (the Bible) filled with promises to cling onto during times of difficulty and despair. When we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us by renewing our minds (Romans 12:2), we will begin to desire what God has purposed for us. Like Jeremiah, we will begin to trust that even if he has called us to walk a path marked with suffering, he will use everything for a good purpose and according to his will. 

2. God is Our Helper

The Lord said, “Surely I will deliver you for a good purpose;  surely I will make your enemies plead with you  in times of disaster and times of distress.” Jeremiah 15:11 NIV

Jeremiah believed that if his life were marked by obedience to God, he would not experience any opposition. This is a difficult verse for me to swallow. I also want my obedience to the Lord to be coupled with both convenience and abundance. God does not promise either. He promises that our obedience to Christ will equip us to confront places and people he has called us to when we surrender to his will for our lives daily. He will be the one to change the hearts of those people, not us.

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3. God Deserves the Honor 

I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you,” declares the Lord. Jeremiah 15:20 NIV

When God delivers us, we must give him all the glory and keep him first place in our lives! God told Jeremiah that they would fight against him. However, God promised Jeremiah that he would be given the victory even with ongoing opposition against his prophetic ministry. In Christ, we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). Through Christ, God has given us victory over the power of sin and the enemy. 

We are not alone in our season of hopelessness. Even the prophets of God felt depression, rejection, and strife with others and themselves. BUT, GOD! God reminds us that he is our hope, our helper, and he is worthy of receiving all the honor! So be encouraged today, friend; God is for you. Allow what is overwhelming you to be overpowered by his grace and love. 

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