Her Faith Arises Blog

Biblically-based articles to help you grow in your faith and understand God’s purpose for your life

Waiting Season Brittany Ponte Waiting Season Brittany Ponte

Waiting on God

Waiting. Just reading that word can trigger all sorts of emotions. The definition of the word is “to stay where one is or delay action until a particular time.”  Let’s be honest, waiting is not fun, yet God makes us wait a LOT. I don’t know what storms you’re facing today or what season of life you’re in, but I can guess that you’re probably waiting on God to answer at least one prayer, or maybe you just got out of your waiting season (lucky!). Either way, we can all learn a thing or two about waiting on God.

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Waiting Season Guest User Waiting Season Guest User

Hope: The Antidote to Your Waiting Season

Wait. This is one of the last words we desire to hear from God. In a culture obsessed with convenience and instant gratification, we go out of our way to avoid waiting. We value speed and efficiency so much that we often overlook the value of just taking a moment to wait. Could God possibly have the right idea when His plans unfold a little more slowly than we had first anticipated? There may be something to this idea of waiting, not receiving everything we want right when we want it. But what is the value of such an unpleasant situation?

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Waiting Season Alexandra Stewart Waiting Season Alexandra Stewart

Secrets to Peace While Waiting on God: 3 Simple Truths to Practice!

Stand still and see the Lord’s deliverance! This thought emerged victorious amidst the anxious and worrisome concerns that flooded my mind. Deep within my heart, I knew I had discerned the gentle voice of God reassuring me. As some of you may know, my precious son has bravely endured painful ear infections these past six months. If things could not be any worse, my husband and I find ourselves in a season of waiting, yearning for the day our son will undergo the procedure for his much-needed ear tubes. We have fervently prayed, hoping to get an earlier appointment with the doctor as we navigate yet another round of ear infection flare-ups. I must say that enduring suffering, especially when it involves someone you love, is the hardest part of waiting. 

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Faith, Waiting Season Paula Sue Gross Faith, Waiting Season Paula Sue Gross

Why We Need to Wait on the Lord

Waiting patiently for something is not an activity I do well…not even close. Waiting on my email to load, awful! Waiting on my food order, the pits! Waiting on God…the most challenging part of my journey of faith! We live in a hustle-and-grind culture where waiting is seen as lazy or not the best use of our time. However, when we have unanswered prayers and questions about which move to make next, the waiting we must endure seems horrific. If you’ve grown up or around the church, you probably remember being told things like not to worry, take heart, and similar cliche Christian phrases because there is a plan, a reason for this season, and even God is having you wait for something better.

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Purpose, Faith Guest User Purpose, Faith Guest User

3 Purposes of the Waiting Season

If you're currently in the midst of a waiting season, you may find it difficult to see anything positives. Your situation probably feels stagnant, confusing, and maybe, even a little hopeless. You know in your heart that God loves you and is in control, but you find it challenging to be patient and picture a favorable outcome when what's around you resembles nothing like what you're waiting for.

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Purpose Paula Sue Gross Purpose Paula Sue Gross

Did I Miss My Calling? How to Know that Your Season of Waiting isn't a Missed Opportunity

Most days, I know I'm right where God wants me to be. I'm living out my purpose as a daughter of the King, a wife, a mother of three amazing children, and a servant. Yet, on those days, I sometimes experience the devil's attacks. He tries to break down my faith and create confusion in my life. As a result, I start second-guessing my choices in life and question if I've missed the great opportunity God has for me in this world.

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