Why We Need to Wait on the Lord

Waiting patiently for something is not an activity I do well…not even close. Waiting on my email to load, awful! Waiting on my food order, the pits! Waiting on God…the most challenging part of my journey of faith!!!

We live in a hustle-and-grind culture where waiting is seen as lazy or not the best use of our time. However, when we have unanswered prayers and questions about which move to make next, the waiting we must endure seems horrific. If you’ve grown up or around the church, you probably remember being told things like not to worry, take heart, and similar cliche Christian phrases because there is a plan, a reason for this season, and even God is having you wait for something better. Wait a second…I think I’ve actually used and said every single one of those phrases to friends, family, and even to you, my sweet sister! 

Well, here’s the thing, waiting is good for us. Waiting can give way to clarifying a situation; waiting can be what we need to refocus our minds, realign our lives, and guide us to our blessings. When we try to rush God, it’s not like He says, “Ok, daughter, I totally missed that you really, really, really wanted that, so I’ll give it to you because, gosh, I now understand!” No!! Of course, He doesn’t. He reminds us in Isaiah 46:10, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’” This word from the LORD is the equivalent of a holy mic drop, friends. 

God is not in a rush just because we are. So here are three ways to faithfully wait on the Lord:

Wait, Knowing He Has Been Faithful in the Past 

There are countless stories in the Bible of God’s faithfulness to those who waited. Ruth waited for a husband, David waited to be crowned king, Moses waited to usher the Israelites out of slavery, and Sarah and Abraham waited for a son. And yes, looking at their stories and victories can be helpful in your waiting season. However, I want you to look back and remember a time when you had to wait and how what you prayed for during that waiting season eventually came to fruition. I remember praying and cursing the Lord to give me a family that loved me, a family that loved me for all my flaws and issues. And you know what He did? He sent me friends who became my family. He introduced me to my husband and provided me with three beautiful children who love me no matter how messed up I’ve been or how many mistakes I will make. Take a moment to reflect and find His faithfulness in your past, then move on to the second way you can faithfully wait…

Wait With Anticipation, for He Will Fulfill His Promises to You

Ok, now we’re getting to the part I always find exciting. Waiting is not meant for us to sit around and twiddle our thumbs; it’s intended for us to take action. The definition of the word “wait” means “to look for” or “to expect.” That’s right; we are to take action and expect what the Lord will do is for our good and in His timing. I remember being pregnant, ok my husband is correcting me here and having me add this…as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I started planning the room, picking boy and girl names, making registries, and much more. I had nine months until I met my little one, but I fervently prepared for that one special day. It’s the same with waiting on God. We are to prepare ourselves for the day our requests are answered. To look to him to guide us and build our belief in His daily faithfulness to us. 

And finally…

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Wait With a Heart Full of Gratitude 

As we wait, we need to remember how far we’ve come, not because of our strength but because of the strength given to us by our Lord and Savior. Our heavenly Father is sovereign over every part of our lives and guarantees that all things will work together for our good because the Spirit intercedes on our behalf according to His will. If God is for us, who can be against us? Therefore, don’t be consumed by worry or weariness, but find thankfulness in the world around you and watch how your days of waiting will begin changing.  

Ephesians 5:20 “…always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Practicing gratitude is hard at first, and that’s ok. Through repetition and focus each day, being grateful will start to feel more natural and help you through the season of waiting.

Today I pray for peace over your mind and heart as you wait for the Lord’s answer on whatever is in your life. I know being patient, grateful, and focused can be challenging, but the Holy Spirit will help you persevere. God never breaks His promises, and when you feel like giving up, giving in, or walking away to do it your way, remember to rely on Christ, for the breakthrough of blessings is about to shower down.

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