Her Faith Arises Blog

Biblically-based articles to help you grow in your faith and understand God’s purpose for your life

Faith Alexandra Stewart Faith Alexandra Stewart

How to Develop a Devotional Time with God

My arms feel heavy as I reach over to turn off my alarm. In the past, I would never be up before the sun, but I cultivated a simple devotional time with the Lord in the mornings before the chaos of my day began. Daily I need steady assurance and peace from spending time with our God.

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Faith Paula Sue Gross Faith Paula Sue Gross

4 Simple Ways to Start Your Day with God

Stop complicating your morning routine! I get it, if you’re like me and you’re constantly on Pinterest searching for the ‘easiest way to’, or ‘10 ways to learn how to,’ or ‘6 simple ways to,’ then I think we just became BFFs!

I have searched high and low on the best morning routine. No matter what you do, how early you get up, how much water you drink or exercises you fit in before sunrise…if it does not start with the Lord then you are underestimating the power that He has to fuel your day.

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Faith Paula Sue Gross Faith Paula Sue Gross

What Brings You Joy?

Every day distractions tend to rule our priority list but… Where does God fit into your life + where does He rank on that list? Does God bring you joy? Have you taken time to declutter your everyday life so that you can truly make room for Him?

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Faith, Testimonies Paula Sue Gross Faith, Testimonies Paula Sue Gross

I’m Not Who I Once Was

Do you struggle with your identity on who you are in Christ? OR Do you struggle with the person you’ve become since Christ entered your life?

1 Corinthians 15:10 “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”

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Mental Health Alexandra Stewart Mental Health Alexandra Stewart

Does Going to Church Help with Anxiety?

More often than not, the church shies away from the tough topic of mental health disorders. Perhaps, many church leaders find themselves ill-equipped to deal with such issues as anxiety, panic disorder, phobias, and OCD. Either way, these issues are very real and the church cannot remain indifferent to them.

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Faith Paula Sue Gross Faith Paula Sue Gross

One Simple Truth

Have you ever wondered if what you are doing is coming from God? Well, here’s my simple truth for you…if it’s pulling you away from God it’s NOT from God! Ask yourself the following questions: Are you too busy to pray? Do you only go to church when you wake up in time…

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Relationships Paula Sue Gross Relationships Paula Sue Gross

5 Tips for a Happy Marriage

“Marriage is all about finding what irritates your spouse and using it strategically…” -Unknown

Just kidding! Relationships and marriage are complicated…

I prayed for a man that would be my prince charming. Yes, I am in love with the idea of a knight in shining armor who would come in on his white horse and rescue me

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