3 Tips to Stay Committed to Your Calling When You Feel Like Giving Up

I still vividly recall the point in time when God first called me to begin writing devotionals. I aimed to offer hope and encouragement to women feeling weary in their faith. It was a divine invitation to partner with Jesus to influence women on social media, a venue often shrouded in darkness and steeped with moral confusion. It all started while working as a cashier at a grocery store. I was sitting in my car one day on my lunch break after a night of hearing how the women in my Bible study struggled with comparison, causing them to feel emotionally broken. If I started an Instagram account, I thought I could produce biblical content reminding them that their true worth is found solely in Christ, not in the worldly things they see as they scroll through various social media platforms. After seven years of unwavering commitment, my team and I remain steadfast in our mission—to uplift and empower women, reminding them of the immeasurable worth and value God has bestowed upon them as His beloved daughters. Yet, amidst the victories, we've also encountered battles—moments when the enemy tempted us to give up, and we questioned our significance among the multitudes of other Christian influencers. Despite the doubts, one resounding truth echoed through the hard days: we are called by God to utilize our unique gifts for the betterment of His kingdom, and you are called too! So, if you find yourself in a season of wandering and uncertainty, doubting God's call on your life, I offer you three steadfast reminders to strengthen your spirit when the urge to quit threatens to overwhelm you.

God Gives Us Strength Through Prayer

There have been many times in my life, including now as I write this post, when I cried out to God, asking for help and strength to fulfill the call He has placed on my life. It is a privilege to partner with Jesus in His mission to advance His kingdom, and He assures us that He will never leave us alone to fulfill His purposes. Scripture reminds us of the importance of prayer in maintaining our connection with God. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we are encouraged to "pray continually," highlighting the ongoing nature of our communion with Him.

When we run low on inspiration, feel weary, or struggle with comparison, Christ invites us to pray to Him for strength. Have you ever experienced the panic of seeing your cell phone battery drop below 10%, desperately asking those around you if they have a charger? Similarly, prayer connects us to our ultimate life-giving power source—Christ Himself! Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, He provides us with the strength we need to persevere in fulfilling our God-given calling.

Drawing upon the words of Jesus in John 15:5, we are reminded, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing." Just as a branch derives its nourishment and vitality from the vine, so do we find our strength and sustenance in our union with Christ through prayer. When we feel inadequate or depleted, let us pray to Him, confident that He will infuse us with His divine strength to carry out His purposes in our lives.

God Wants Us to Pursue Godly Opportunities

If you're uncertain about your God-given calling, one of the most effective ways to discern it is by actively serving within your local church community and remaining connected with fellow believers. We learn the importance of love, service, generosity, and selflessness within the fellowship of believers. We see this truth emphasized by the apostle Paul in Hebrews 10:24-25, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

I initially explored various ministries within the church, from serving in the nursery to greeting newcomers and even assisting with the coffee ministry. However, it was through pursuing opportunities that I discovered where I felt most aligned with God's purposes—hosting a home Bible study. In gathering with other women, I recognized a common struggle we all had with comparison and self-worth, which ignited the vision to extend encouragement and hope to women online—a vision birthed from the heart of that Bible study!

Scripture tells us the significance of partnership in kingdom work. In Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, we're reminded, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." When collaborating with other believers, we can achieve far more for the kingdom than we could ever accomplish alone. Together, we become stronger, more resilient, and capable of reaching greater heights for God's glory.

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God Wants Us to Persevere

Here's the hard truth, sister: ministry is exciting but can also be weary. Some days, you feel confident and walk in the clarity of God's voice, knowing what He's calling you to accomplish. Yet, there are other days when the enemy attacks your sense of worth and value, and your insecurities threaten to overwhelm you, whispering that God can’t use someone like you. Maintaining one’s faith commitment is a battle in the face of these adversities. But amidst it all, God calls us to persevere! Only by relying on the Lord’s strength and guidance can we endure the challenges of ministry. 

In Philippians 3:14, the apostle Paul reminds us of the importance of perseverance: "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" (NIV). Just as Paul remained steadfast in pursuing the prize set before him, we are called to press onward in our faith journey despite the challenges we encounter along the way.

Friend, when the road ahead seems daunting and the obstacles appear impossible, remember that God is with you every step of the way. He is the source of your strength, your refuge in times of trouble, and the ultimate assurance because if he calls you, he will equip you. So, keep pressing forward, knowing that your perseverance is not in vain—it's a testament to your unwavering trust in God!

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