Her Faith Arises Blog

Biblically-based articles to help you grow in your faith and understand God’s purpose for your life

Relationships Guest User Relationships Guest User

The Power of a Wife’s Words

Scripture is very clear on the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21 sums it up pretty well when it says, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” Our words truly hold weight, particularly when it comes to our relationships. How often do you speak to your husband? I assume the answer for most is a lot! Whether in person, on the phone, or texting, most couples are connecting through words quite a bit. That communication is part of what builds the foundations and structures of your relationship. Now, ask yourself the question: how do I speak to my husband?

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Relationships Paula Sue Gross Relationships Paula Sue Gross

Knight in Shining Armor

Just kidding! Relationships and marriage are complicated… I prayed for a man that would be my prince charming…yes I am in love with the idea of a knight in shining armor who would ride in on his white horse and rescue me. Stop laughing…we’ve all been there, and ya know what?! That’s totally OK! Years ago, I was in a terrible, I mean an awful relationship with someone where I experienced a constant temptation to do what was unpleasing in the Lord’s eyes. I absolutely knew I was not living a godly lifestyle, but I was scared to break off the relationship for fear of being alone.

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Faith, Relationships Guest User Faith, Relationships Guest User

Two Life-Changing Switches You Can Make in Your Prayer Life Today to Prioritize Relationship Over Religion

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines religion as “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.” Unfortunately, the unbelieving world thinks along these lines. It likes to equate dedication to God as merely a book of stories one chooses to believe and a set of rules one decides to follow. As Christians, however, we know that the Christian life involves much more than rules and regulations. We serve a living God with whom we have a genuine relationship. But, at times, even we can forget that vital truth. 

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Relationships Guest User Relationships Guest User

9 Characteristics of a Godly Friendship

In the Bible, we find many references to friendship. God has made it clear in his word that having the right friends in our lives is not just good but essential, especially regarding our Christian walk. But how do we know what to look for in someone when seeking a godly friendship? What characteristics does a godly friend have? Let's dive into Scripture and find out.

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Relationships Alexandra Stewart Relationships Alexandra Stewart

3 Ways Friendships Can Strengthen Our Faith

Have you ever felt misplaced, misunderstood, or isolated from other women? I have, and it hurts. Even those with whom I would never have expected, women at my church, have sometimes left me out. Of course, it wasn’t their intention to do this, but the sting of not being considered or invited to a social event made me feel misplaced and forgotten.

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Relationships Paula Sue Gross Relationships Paula Sue Gross

5 Tips for a Happy Marriage

“Marriage is all about finding what irritates your spouse and using it strategically…” -Unknown

Just kidding! Relationships and marriage are complicated…

I prayed for a man that would be my prince charming. Yes, I am in love with the idea of a knight in shining armor who would come in on his white horse and rescue me

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