3 Ways to Breakup with Religion and Embrace an Authentic Relationship With Christ

Sitting down to write this week's blog post, I felt frustrated and overwhelmed. My family has been struck by illness, leaving us all feeling exhausted and drained. But as I was lamenting the timing of it all, I felt a gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit, reminding me exactly why I'm writing about the importance of relying on our relationship with Christ during times of hardship. This year I have been learning what an authentic relationship with Christ genuinely looks like. It’s not based on formal, tidy, pretty prayers and platforms but rather the opposite. An authentic relationship conveys real tears and cries for help. God is present in our suffering. If you read last month's blog, you know I have been learning about the importance of uttering simple ‘help me’ prayers. These prayers have turned out to be mighty because they were honest, genuine, heard by God, and have gotten me through some tough times this year.  

Here are three truths to remember: 

1. It’s All About Relationship

Since the beginning, God has desired a relationship with His creation. His desire to connect with us is woven into the very fabric of our being. As women, we were created with hearts that crave intimacy with our Maker. God made us in His image and likeness, meaning we are uniquely designed to commune with Him. We can experience true fellowship with our God, unlike any other species on earth. (Genesis 1:27 NIV)

Deep within each of us, God has placed a longing for eternity (Ecclesiastes 3:11), a desire only fulfilled through a relationship with Christ. When we come to know Jesus, we discover the true purpose of our existence - to know Him and to make Him known. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus made it possible for us to be reconciled to God and to experience the joy of walking in a right relationship with Him. We discover our true identity and calling not in our work, appearance, or marital standing but by embracing an authentic relationship with Christ. The world's standards no longer define us but by the love and grace of our Heavenly Father. As a result, we are free to live out our God-given purpose and to make a difference in the world for God’s glory.

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2. Girl, It’s Not About Rule-keeping

As someone who enjoys routines, rituals, and rules, I find comfort in their predictability and structure. One of my favorite hobbies is cooking; following recipes is a perfect example of structure and predictability. When you have all the necessary ingredients and follow the directions, the outcome is almost guaranteed to be a delicious and satisfying meal. However, as we all know, relationships are far more complex and unpredictable than cooking. People are often fickle and fragile, and they can let us down in unexpected ways. Yet, amid the uncertainties of life, it can be easy to cling to rules and rituals as a source of stability and security.

The Apostle Paul recognized the limitations of this way of thinking. He wrote that the "law," or rules and rituals, were ultimately meaningless compared to the knowledge of Christ. (Philippians 3:7-12) In other words, while routines and regulations can be helpful in some areas of life, they’re not a means to an end - they can’t improve our self-esteem or increase our status with God, nor can they fully satisfy the deepest longings of the human heart. The craving for love, emotional connection, and a sense of purpose isn’t discovered by following regulations.

One of the most challenging aspects of personal growth is breaking free from bad habits and self-defeating behavior patterns. It can be tempting to equate our worth with our behavior, believing we are only as good as our actions. However, this way of thinking is a recipe for insecurity and anxiety. By embracing grace through an authentic relationship with Christ, we can find peace and security that isn't dependent on our performance. When we stand on the solid ground of God's love and grace, we can face life's challenges with confidence and courage.

3. God Longs for Your Response

In the book of Revelation, we see Jesus addressing the spiritual state of seven churches, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. One of these churches, the church of Laodicea, is particularly noteworthy for its complacency and lack of passion for Christ. Despite outwardly celebrating Him, the church had become indifferent; it shut its doors to Christ’s voice and failed to open their hearts fully. Indifference is dangerous because, if left unchecked, it will ultimately lead to ignorance regarding our spiritual condition. However, God is a gentleman and will not force His way into our lives. Instead, we must respond to His word and prioritize His will for our lives above all else. Therefore, daily, we need to ask God in prayer to show us our spiritual state and reveal the blind spots and areas of sin where we no longer see. When we do this, we can experience a beautiful and spiritually beneficial relationship with our Creator.

As Christian women, we can walk confidently and securely in our relationship with Christ because He has already conquered the power of sin, death, and Satan on the cross and by rising from the grave. When we place our faith in Him, we no longer need to strive for perfection or cling to our own rules and rituals as a source of validation. Instead, we can rest knowing we are loved and accepted by God and our worth and identity are rooted in Him. Then, as we continue to grow in our relationship with Christ, we can face the ups and downs of life with courage and grace, knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of God. So let us embrace the freedom and security of knowing Christ; seek his will daily, always remaining sensitive to his voice, and live each day with purpose and joy!

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